Friday, 17 January 2014

[Post 2015 Women's Coalition] What do you have to say on Gender Inequality? Join the Inequalities e-discussion

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From: "Priti Darooka" <>
Date: Jan 15, 2014 11:51 AM
Subject: (Womens ESCR) [Post 2015 Women's Coalition] What do you have to say on Gender Inequality? Join the Inequalities e-discussion
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Source: Post 2015 Women's Coalition



The Addressing Inequalities Network Alliance (co-convened by UN Women and UNICEF) is soliciting feedback on their issue brief to the Eighth Session of the UN Open Working Group (3-7 February 2014).


We are seeking your feedback specifically on this brief and we  want to hear your recommendations for the Open Working Group.


Your comments will be synthesized and fed into inequality-related debates during the Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.


To participate, please read the short 'Promoting Equality, including Social Equity' issues brief (click here to access the document) and then click directly on the question(s) of your choice to enter the debate:

  1. After reading the issues brief, what do you think needs to be added? What do you think needs to be removed? How would you improve the document?
  2. If you had one or two things that you wanted to tell the Open Working Group concerning inequality and the post-2015 development agenda, what would you say?


Why is your participation so important at this juncture?


The responses to this question about gender inequality are low. These Technical Briefs will be submitted to the UN and Member-States who look to these reports when drafting the Sustainable Development Goals.  Also, very little has been raised about inequalities for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people.


Your comments will be synthesized and fed into inequality-related debates during the Eighth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.




Bienvenido a la Consulta Mundial AINA centró en la Breve Abierto de Trabajo sobre Cuestiones de grupo sobre la desigualdad.

Discusión extendido una semana más Hasta el 17 de enero!

Suma tu voz a la discusión global hoy en día!

16 diciembre a 17 enero, 2014  

En previsión de la octava reunión del Grupo Abierto de Trabajo de la ONU (3 a 7 febrero, 2014), AINA está organizando esta consulta del 16 de diciembre 2013 - 17 de enero 2014 se centró en la "Promoción de la igualdad, incluida la Equidad Social" documento informativo del Abierto Equipo de Apoyo Técnico del Grupo de Trabajo. Este breve estará en el centro de las próximas deliberaciones y debates.


Estamos buscando sus comentarios específicamente en esta breve y nos gustaría recibir sus recomendaciones para el Grupo de Trabajo abierto.


Sus comentarios serán sintetizados y se introducen en los debates relacionados con la desigualdad-durante el  octavo período de sesiones del Grupo de Trabajo Abierto los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.


Para participar, por favor, lea el corto ' Promoción de la igualdad, incluyendo la equidad social«cuestiones breve (clic aquí tener acceso al documento) y luego hacer clic directamente sobre el tema (s) de su elección para entrar en el debate:

  1. Después de leer los temas breve, ¿qué crees que es necesario agregar? ¿Qué crees que debe ser eliminado? ¿Cómo mejorar el documento?
  2. Si usted tuviera una o dos cosas que quería decirle al Grupo de Trabajo abierto en relación con la desigualdad y la agenda de desarrollo post-2015, ¿qué le dirías?



Rosa G. Lizarde

Global Director

Feminist Task Force

777 United Nations Plaza

New York, New York  10017

s rosaenskype

t femtaskforce


Join the Inequalities e-consultation ahead of the 8th OWG session on Feb. 3-7, 2014 on Social Equality, including Gender Equality:  


"Gender Equality to End Poverty"

The Feminist Task Force, a coalition of women's rights organizations, grassroots and rural women's groups launched in 2005 as part of the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP), promotes gender equality as central to poverty eradication and women's economic justice.

The Post_2015_Women's_Coalition listserv is a key communications platform for feminist, women's and social justice organizations working on women's rights and gender equality in the post 2015 sustainable development framework.
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