Monday 4 November 2013

Stats Wrangling I: Digging into Your Data

On Jun 18, 2013 11:10 PM, " News" <> wrote:
Michael Pick posted: " Chances are that if you're running a public facing blog, you're probably happiest when someone actually reads it. Preferably lots of someones. Your blog's stats can give you some great ways to get to know a little bit more about your readers, and what"
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Stats Wrangling I: Digging into Your Data

by Michael Pick


Chances are that if you're running a public facing blog, you're probably happiest when someone actually reads it. Preferably lots of someones. Your blog's stats can give you some great ways to get to know a little bit more about your readers, and what it is about your work that most attracts them.

While the more liberal artsy types among us might shoo off the idea of obsessively stat trawling as something for the more scientifically inclined, there's actually something for everyone lurking just beneath the surface, whether that's inspiration or cold, hard logic. If you want people to read your blog, making use of your stats can give you an arsenal of information to help make that happen. In our Stats Wrangling series, we'll be digging in to how to get to grips with your blog stats, one module at a time. But in today's post, we'll start with a whirlwind tour of the whole works.

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Michael Pick | June 18, 2013 at 4:00 pm | Tags: data, Stats, writing tips | Categories: Better Blogging, Stats, Tags, Writing | URL:

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