Wednesday 30 October 2013

Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise

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From: "Syed Sadruddin Hussain" <>
Date: Oct 16, 2013 4:57 AM
Subject: █▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ RE: {GRP} RE: [ModerateMuslims] FW: Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise
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Janab Khalid Saheb: The Tafseer is that Allah bestowed the Holy Quran, the Book of Guidance  on our Prophet to propagate and spread the Religion of Truth, Islam completely though the Mushrikeen may detest it.  Thanks.

Subject: {GRP} RE: [ModerateMuslims] FW: Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 16:19:31 -0400

هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَىٰ وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it. Quran 61:9

What is the tafseer of this verse from Qur'an AlKareem.

From: Syed Sadruddin Hussain
Sent: ‎2013-‎10-‎12 3:57 PM
To:;;; express; NAtion Pakistan; Abbas;; Bakhtiar;; COLUMNIST CLUB;;;; Editor Herald;;;; Family  of the Heart;;;;;; geotv; Globe And Mail; HAMID MIR; Haroon siddiqui;;; Imran Shahid;; ISLAMIC HUMAN RIGHTS; ISLAM POLICY; Jang;;;; journalism; Kamarn Khan; Kashif Qadri;; Khalid;;;;; London Islamic School;; Matin; MQM MQM; Nadeem Ansari;;; National Assembly;;; Pak Times; orya; Pakistan First; Pakistan post; pakistan times;; Sabi Ahsan;; Shamsul Arifin;; Such News; targetpoint;; UR Usmani; Urdu post; writers Forum;;
Subject: FW: [ModerateMuslims] FW: Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise

Please read the bold article of Mr. Saeed Qureshi and the honest views of Mr. Nasir Sayani on rising Islamophobia /Talibanism in our country resulting in a killing spree through suicide bombings and terrorism etc. Mr. Bhutoo for power sake started pleasing the Mullahs with various steps followed by Gen. Zia ul Haq who wanted to rule Pakistan till death by exploiting Islam to the maximum level. All the so called Islamic / Hudood laws imposed by him failed and not a big thief/fraudster/corrupt person's hand was ever chopped off nor flogging took place nor rising crimes decreased. Only the bribe of the police increased with advocate community making good money to save criminals from punishments.  
 Pakistan was created as a Muslim country by the Quaide Azam and not as an Islamic country to be ruled by the Mullahs. Quaide Azam knew that Pakistan can not be a real Islamic state as there were lot of Muslim sects, cults, Pirs, Sirdars, Nawabs and Maslak differences with minorities who will face discrimination. In his first speech to the newly formed Constituent Assembly, he boldly said that Pakistan will be a secular state with equal status to all people and religion will  be a personal matter. In other words, the country will be run on 'separation of the state from the religion' formula as practiced peacefully in the West. The Muslim League lead by Quaide Azam was itself a very liberal party managed by educated and liberal minded people and the Mullahs, except few who were members of the party, kept a low profile. Quaide Azam himself was not a Mullah to make  Pakistan a Mullah state. He did praise Islam rightly which our Mullah exploited it that he wanted Pakistan to be a religious state. Every body was happy and there was inter mingling of people of all faiths and denominations without any grudge and hatred. This system continued well up to the end of Ayub Khan's regime.
After the death of Quaide Azam followed by PM Liaquat Ali Khan and taking advantage of the political mess that followed thereafter, the Mullahs coined a new slogan  'Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya, La Illaha Illallah' never ever heard during the independence movement. This slogan received a big boost during Zia's infamous rule and Mullahs became stronger and stronger particularly when the USA funded the Talibans to fight Russian occupation of Afghanistan and Zia provided a safe haven for Talibans in Pakistan. During Zia's rule Kalashinkov guns and Heroin culture flourished with terrorism in Pakistan.   
Now no liberal minded political party, leader, elected governments, PM and President can ever think of saying anything against the Mullahs and their exploitation of Islam and who  keep the Muslims deviated, divided, factionalised, marginalised to the extreme extent --all against the teaching of Islam. None can abolish the discriminatory laws of defamation, Hudood etc. even though a Governor of Punjab was murdered by his Mullah security guard. Today due to rising Mullahism/extremism, our Muslims are more divided on sectarian, Maslak, Fiqah, cult, party and group basis so much so our Masajid are also divided and instead of being united in the name of Islam, we are now more disunited fighting each other. No religious leader with his dictatorial group or party can ever think of merger with other party/group for the sake of Islam as personal interest, cult, differences, sectarian, Maslak, Fiqah etc. issue are involved. All want to impose their own brand of Islam. The Madressahs instead of turning out well educated liberal generation are producing extremists as the curriculum of the Madressahs are based on Islam as a theology and not as a complete Deen and way of life. The Madressahs are copy of Christian Seminary, Hindu's Dharamshalas and Buddhism Monastery systems which produce theologians/priests like Pope, Cardinals and Bishops; Gurus and Pundits and Monks respectively. Islam is not  theology but a complete way of life (5:3) with no professional priesthood/monasticism  (57:27) as it results in exploitation and deviations.     
Islam promotes education and knowledge (96:1-5) for peace and progress. But our Mullahs cornered Islam to so called five pillars of Puja Pat to build more and more Masjid and Madressashs not at all supported or mentioned as such in the Holy Quran. The whole Quran is the Pillar of Islam and all it directives/guidance called Muhikhmath (3:7) have to be followed in letter and spirit. In Arabic Tilawath means to follow/practice the Guidance of Allah and not simply reading or reciting the Quran without understanding.
Under the circumstances, there can be two options to solve the problem of religious exploitations and killings. Being an Islamic State, all the Masajid with Madressahs be nationalized to be managed by a state nominated Ulema Council without politics and according to Quran and authentic Hadiths. The Madressahs should be upgraded to schools as Islam is not a theology only but a full fledged Deen covering all aspects of life and hence all subjects along with translation of Quran be taught to Muslim students to make them understand the true Guidance of Allah/Muhikmath (3:7) and to avoid all exploitation and deviations.  If other sects desire to manage their institutions without politics, they may be allowed under government protection. The minorities as usual should manage their own institutions under government protection with no politics. All the religious parties exploiting religions and dividing the nation should be banned along with their religious literature. All Muslims of different sects and denominations along with minorities should have their own personal laws in matters of religion, faith, marriages, separation, divorce, inheritance, wills, etc.  In this way, there will be a peace on the religious front as in Arabia and Iran.
The second option will be to make Pakistan a liberal state based on the formula of separation of state affairs from the religion as in the West with religion being treated as a personal matter. None should be allowed to exploit religion for personal ends. Religious parties will stand banned.  Personal laws will govern the Muslims and minorities as stated above. Unless some bold decision is not taken in this regard, the Muslims of Pakistan will continue to suffer due to hijacking and exploitation of our noble Deen by the extremist Mullahs. The press, media, TVs and their anchor persons, sincere Ulemas and leaders, intelligentsia, elected MPAs and MNAs should come out in the open to face this big challenge in our history and put the country on the right track. We should do this peacefully otherwise a Mustafa Kamal Ataturk will rise among our ranks to proclaim Pakistan a secular state. Thanks. Please circulate.   


Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 10:03:26 -0700
Subject: Re: [ModerateMuslims] FW: Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise

It is completely agreeable that Talibaans and their likes need to be eliminated, but the problem just does not stop their, even if Pakistani leadership can gather enough courage and balls to do just that.  The bigger fight is the mindset of the Pakistanis which is the result of distorted history and religious education taught in schools, not only in madrasas, even our basic school system is turning out kids with the same mindset.
I remember growing up in late 60s and 70s, didn't know what hijab was, only people dressed in Arabic outfits were Arabs, the society was very much pluralistic, we welcome people of all different faith, we had harmony, we had unity, we were becoming proud to be Pakistanis.  We had progressed in first 25 years of post independence, which took India 50+ years with all that British had left for them.  Than we became Islamist, we decided to label our own countrymen as Muslims or non-Muslim, thanks to Bhutto, than Zia created the Islamization of Pakistan and now India is more than 50 years ahead of us.
We need a paradigm shift in our mindset, we need an Kamal Ataturk, in other words we need leadership with balls that can make that shift, killing Talibaan is not the real solution, indeed it is a start. 
Nasir Sayani

From: maria malik <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ModerateMuslims] FW: Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise
The prime example of fanatics in Islamic history is the Khawarij. They rebelled against Ali when he agreed to stop fighting and have a mediated settlement with Muawiya. Fifteen thousand of them terrorized the Muslims of Iraq, and in spite of very serious efforts to convince them to stop terrorism and come to terms with the government, they could not be convinced. They were very pious people, many of them Hafiz of Qur'an and particular about praying and fasting, but their crazy minds made them believe in the righteousness of their cause. Eventually, Ali had to fight them, and fifteen thousand of these fanatics got killed rather than compromise. The Taliban are not very different. Fanaticism has always been the scourge of all religious societies, and the only solution available is to annihilate them. They have no regard for any laws, so laws cannot be applied to them either. Iron fist is the only response. The sooner we recognize that ruthlessness is the only response, the better we will be able to handle them.

From: saeed qureshi <>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 9:59 PM
Subject: [ModerateMuslims] FW: Upright Opinion: Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise


Upright Opinion
September 27, 2013
Radical Islamists Would Never Compromise
By Saeed Qureshi
It would be simply a moronic hope and mere illusion if any government in Pakistan believes that Islamic militants most notably the Taliban factions would agree to lay down arms and turn peaceful citizens. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is seriously contemplating dialogue with Taliban for restoring peace and to erase terrorism that is enormously destructive for a socially peaceful, economically robust, politically democratic and territorially stable Pakistan. By all reckoning such a peace initiative would not materialize. Taliban would not relinquish their militancy no matter how far Pakistan accommodates their conditions.  
 In history, particularly in Islamic regimes, the renegade religious militants went fighting down but never submitted. Muhammad ibn ʿAbdal-Wahab (1703-1772) the founder of the Wahabi sect became so powerful that he forced his belief to become the state religion that is still in vogue in the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabic. The Assassins (1080-1256) rampaged, terrorized and killed with rare abandon, the rulers, the viziers and high ranking government functionaries for almost two centuries till a barbarian, savage army of Mongols annihilated them with a colossal and inexorable use of force.
These are some of the precedents from among a long litany of such horrific episodes not only in the Islamic world but in the Christendom that have held their respective dispensations in ransom. Similarly the Idrisis and the Fatimid and similar other religious movements in Islamic lands prevailed and ruled till they were swept away by more radical and ruthless contenders. These have been raising their ferocious heads in different phases of history and in different lands
The Al-Qaida and Al-shabab and various shades of Taliban are a newborn face of the erstwhile religious fundamentalist forces. The present day religious outfits with stubborn agenda and unflinching will to fight the heathens are the spillover from the past. It is mind boggling to watch that in these times of enlightenment, liberalism, free societies, the human rights is still infested with such bands that want the obscure dogmatic orders to be revived and implemented in entirety.
So the only effective way-out for dealing with the radical militants is to exterminate them physically and debilitate their militancy with full might of the state. If in Pakistan the skirmishes with the Taliban and Al-Qaida continue unabated, there would never be an end or any tangible result coming out of these. The compelling reason is that those who are killed among the insurgents are filled by new cadres and volunteers indoctrinated and motivated by religious zealots and fiery demagogues with a dainty and alluring promise of straight away going to paradise as martyrs.  
The taming of hardcore religious bigots and tenacious fighters is a far cry and cannot be attained by solicitation or sweet overtures. The underlying purpose of Taliban and their supporters from the mainstream politico- religious parties is to revive the pristine Islamic caliphate and towards the attainment of this objective they would never compromise or budge.
Even if by a miracle they join hands with the government, they would not abandon their option of falling out with the civilian or democratic government. The induction of Taliban factions into the democratic based political culture of Pakistan would always remain like strange and incompatible bedfellow and would backfire.
Pakistan along with other Islamic regimes created a force of universal Islamic crusaders to fight ungodly Russians in rugged Afghanistan as allies of a free and religious Christian world led by the United States. What a hoax it was that while the Islamic countries were arraigned against the Russian with a resounding spirit of Islamic resurgence, the underlying catch was to bring victory of capitalism over communism. While the second purpose has been ideally served, the first one became a lasting millstone around the neck of Pakistan or like a Frankenstein ever ready to swallow its own creator which in this case is Pakistan. Pakistan allowed its land and manpower for the fulfillment of a goal that was extraneous to its national interests. Hence we see the proliferation of terrorism all over Pakistan by Taliban and hardcore religious fanatics.
The ferocious Taliban and their cohorts had virtually occupied Swat valley in 2007. They were driven out with full-fledged military operations in 2007 and 2009. One could gauge the resilience and the systemic way the Taliban broadened their tentacles based on primitive orthodoxy in that marvelous enchanting valley. From Swat valley they were planning to march towards the federal capital of Pakistan Islamabad and terrorize the local population through coercive regimentation. They and their agents forced the people to abide by religious injunctions such as for the ladies to cover their head in the market places.
The dream of crafting a modern egalitarian, Liberal, pluralistic and democratic society in Pakistan is entirely out of sync with the crude model of state envisioned by the obscurantist and the conservative Islamic forces. Islam is fundamentally is a progressive religion and can tailor itself with the changing times. The creed and ideologies of fundamentalists and reactionary religious assortments are retrogressive and negate the fruits of modern times such as advancement in technology, universal culture of humanism, emancipation of women folks and a fusion of religion with modernity and so on.
The sectarian and ideological conflicts now rife in the Islamic countries are the formidable hurdles in their progress and getting into the strides of modern nation states. With the advent of a fossilized version of Islam imposed on Pakistan, the country can transform into a medieval state but not the one that is indispensable in the present times of enlightenment and awakening. The conservative Islamic societies are in a state of flux and groping how to explore an identity that serves both their religious obligations and the imperative of the present times.
The Taliban and their ilk would resist, thwart and block, by every conceivable means, all such endeavors that overhaul Pakistan into a modern frame. The fundamental question is whether Pakistan survives as a modern state or succumbs to the dictates of Taliban and fanatic orthodox religious entities. The choice is certainly a modern state with a secular and pluralistic edifice erected on the foundation of an enlightened Islam. It would not be advisable or thinkable to live with a monster like Taliban and then expect to remain unscathed.
The ongoing, unrelenting mayhem of terrorism is primarily being spawned and tenaciously carried out by Taliban and sectarian rivals while the government and society is relatively free. It would be spine-chilling to imagine what would happen to Pakistan if such rigid, extremist and ruthless militants as Taliban in tandem with the homegrown religio-political groups become shareholders in power. In that horrid situation would Pakistan be any different from Syria and Iraq or certain African countries where religious insurgents are braced against the states and also fighting one another on the sectarian basis?
The writer is a senior journalist, former editor of Diplomatic Times and a former diplomat
This and other articles can also be read at

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