Friday 18 October 2013


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From: smasif jafari <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:41:00 +0800 (SGT)
Cc: AKIF <>, ""
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On Saturday, 26 January 2013 7:27 PM, smasif jafari
<> wrote:

--- On Tue, 30/10/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:

>From: smasif jafari <>
>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>,
>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>Date: Tuesday, 30 October, 2012, 7:06 AM
>Rang-o-Noor (BY SA'DI)
>Download Arabic Font
>اللّٰھم صل علیٰ محمّد وعلی اٰل محمّد کما صلیت علیٰ ابراہیم وعلی ال ابراہیم انک حمید مجید اللّٰھم بارک علیٰ محمّد وعلیٰ اٰل محمّد کما بارکت علیٰ ابراہیم و علیٰ اٰلِ ابراہیم انک حمید مجید.
>May Allah accept it. Let us conduct a lovely sitting of love i.e. love for the Holy Prophet .
>We understood the meanings of love in the last column. Let us move ahead with that point. May Allah bless us all with true love for the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammadt .
>Difficult Belief
>May there be billions of blessings on the Sahabah. There was and there can be none like them after the Prophets. The belief of Sahabah was very high-ranked and difficult i.e. it was very difficult for them to believe, to accept Belief and to remain firm to it. They faced those difficulties with the capacity granted by Allah and were successful. All the points today are also in the light of the Surah Al-Fath. The Sahabah are told the dream, "We went to Ka'bah, performed 'Umrah peacefully, circumambulated and returned safe and sound. Who are ready to go to perform 'Umrah?" The entire army got ready. No one said, "What will become of the enmity of the Polytheists? That caravan had to stop at Hudaibiyah. A treaty with the Polytheists was signed. Every clause of that treaty was apparently cause of ignominy to the Muslims. There was pledge of death to fight but they were not allowed to fight. The words "Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah " were erased and
"Muhammad bin Abdullah" had to be written i.e. neither 'Umrah was
performed, nor dream was realized, nor fighting was allowed nor taking
their captive brother with them rather that treaty shut the doors of
emigration to the Muslims confined to Makkah. The sacrificial animals
were also with them. They were slaughtered far away the Slaughter
House of Makkah. The heads were either shaved or given haircut but
without circumambulation. In other words, there was apparently defeat.
The doors for future were also shut. The Satans find open
opportunities to attack the hearts on such occasions but the hearts of
the Sahabah were fortified castles. When this exhausted caravan was
going back without any apparent success and delight, the voice came
from the High Throne. اِنَّا فَتَحْنَالَکَ فَتْحًا مُّبِیْنًا Indeed,
we have granted you open victory.
>Think yourselves, how hard it was then to believe in this verse at that time. Which victory? Which open and clear victory?
>This verse is conveyed to us when all the forthcoming victories and promises have been granted but this verse came before the Sahabah when there was no trace of victory. But all believed in it heart and soul and began to congratulate one another. This is called complete Faith and Faith in the Hidden and verification from the heart. When the caravan reached Madinah, the promises of the Surah Al-Fath began to be fulfilled and the scenario of the entire peninsula Arabia changed just in two years. When those promises were fulfilled, no one said, "I had doubts about those verses which have now been removed." No, not at all. When Allah called the empty-handed return as victory, all accepted it from the core of their hearts. Can anyone else than Sahabah achieve this acumen? So many people say under the delusion of their worship and wisdom, "Would that we were born in the period of the Messenger of Allah !" O my dear, if anyone of us had possessed so great and
high-ranked heart, Allah would have created us in the age of the Holy
Prophet . That age was of very hard trials. If we peep into our
hearts, they begin to tremble hearing those trials. The pieces of body
of seventy Sahabah lay scattered in the Ghazwa Uhud. The Mushrakin had
raised the slogans of Lat and 'Uzza and were going back. The commander
of the army was exhausted with injuries but the Holy Qur'an was
>اَنْتُمُ الْاَعْلَوْنَ اِنْ کُنْتُمْ مُّؤْمِنِیْنَ. You will have the upperhand if you are Believers.
>Which domination was seen there apparently but actually, it was a very great domination. It was the job of the Sahabah to believe in that fact at that time. O Brothers and Sisters, we should love the Sahabah and learn from them method of loving the Holy Prophet .
>Difficult Love
>We studied in the last column that love of the Sahabah for the Holy Prophet was a very high-ranked true love. But keep in mind, that love was not easy. There were great difficulties at every step. People asked Hazrat Huzaifa about the Holy Prophet and said, "If we had been blessed with his visit and company, we would have respected him in such and such way and would not have let him place his foot upon the earth." Hazrat Huzaifah who was the Holy Prophet's servant, secretary and special enterpriser began to say, "My sons, that was not easy." Then he stated the incident of the Battle of Ditch. There was so intense hunger, fear, cold and long trial that we would hear his voice but had not the power to answer due to hunger. Stating this incident, he indicated that that great love was not so easy that every body could become worthy of that but in that critical situation, when man loses wits, Sahabah fulfilled the demands of love. O Brothers and Sisters! We
should be thankful to Allah that Din has reached us easily and love
for the Holy Prophet has also become easy. Now, no one should remain
deprived of this love.
>A Strange Point
>Actual love of the Mu'min is for Allah. No one should be joined in that love. Then actual love of the Mu'min should be for the Holy Prophet and no one of the creature should be joined in it i.e. we should not love anyone whether rich or poor, parents or children, wealth or authorities as passionately as we should love the Holy Prophet . Estimate how greatly did Sahabah safeguard this important point. When Hazrat Abu Bakr became a Caliph, he did not pronounce, "People should love me as they loved the Holy Prophet ." Instead when he was asked to decide a matter that used to be contrary to the Holy Prophet's order, he would say, "How can Ibn Quhafah dare change the Holy Prophet's command!" Once, a man scolded Hazrat Abu Bakr during his rule i.e. gave him words of abuse. A loving comrader rose to Kill him. Hazrat Abu Bakr stopped him and said, "It was upto the dignity of the Holy Prophet to slay the insolent. We do not have such dignity." Now we are
wondered and pained to see a person due to post, status and position
ordering people to obey him as the Holy Prophet was obeyed. I listened
to the speech of a religious leader who was proving this very thing.
At last, he was deviated and got killed. Once, a man with correct
creed also ordered to obey his spiritual guide as Sahabah obeyed the
Holy Prophet . Some rich also come under this delusion. It is a place
of great sorrow, fear and repentance. The man whom occurs the thought
that he should be obeyed as the Messenger of Allah was obeyed or he
must be loved as passionately as the Holy Prophet was loved, he should
sit in seclusion and take stock of himself honestly. It is very much
possible that the heart may think of the truth. Then, he may begin to
feel aversion even of his own self.
>A family has been living in Madinah for centuries. Those black complexioned people are deputed to serve the Holy grave. They have the good luck to sweep the Holy grave. Those of you who would have visited the Holy grave, would certainly have seen them in Riaz-ul-Jannah or a Suffah. They put on white dresses with green piece of cloth around the loins with turbans on the head. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Hasan, the founder of the Jami'a Ashrafia Lahore, a great scholar and follower of Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanavi, says, "I happened to meet an individual of that family. Shaking hands, he told me that he had been sweeping and dusting the Holy grave for sixty years." Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Hasan says, "Hearing this, I began to shudder. I felt as if I were a heap of dirt and my dirty hands had soiled those pure hands which have the good luck to dust the Holy grave." ﷺ۔۔۔ﷺ۔۔۔ﷺ۔۔اللھم صل علیٰ سیدنا محمد.
>Power of Love
>Love itself is a very powerful thing. So love should not be utilized in fulfilling wishes, sexuality and timely interests rather a high rank and great destination should be gained after acquiring this might.
>Majnu had true but useless love for Laila. Still see the power of love that everyone talks of it. A useless love has made Majnu and Laila memorable. We must supplicate that the direction of our love should not be to a wrong channel. Sheikh Shibli's love was directed to a Christian girl. It was so powerful that it crashed Belief, relation and mountains of knowledge. Then he repented and the channel of his love was directed to the Real Lord. Then it was so strong love that all that was lost was regained. Man should decide his beloved after well thinking out and demanding Allah because the effects of the beloved are converted to the lover more rapidly than radial waves. Apparently, the lover loses everything but actually he gains everything. He gains good if the beloved is good but gains evil if the beloved is evil. Hazrat Sheikh Idrees has clarified this point well in the "Bayyinat" giving the example that Hazrat Sheikh Anwar Shah Kashmiri had so many
disciples. A few of them had been in his service for years. But no
one else could gain from him as much as Hazrat Binnori learnt and
gained whereas Hazrat had gone there during the last period and stayed
very little. Actually, Hazrat Binnori had true love for Hazrat
Kashmiri. That love converted the learnings from teacher to the
taught. It becomes clear that love has power of absorption as well as
flight. These two antagonistic powers do not co-exist in anything.
Keep in mind that fire is mightier than iron, water is mightier than
fire and air is mightier than water. What is mightier than air? O yes,
sincerity. What is sincerity? It is also a method of love. Surah
Al-Fath tells us strange things. When Sahabah were blessed with true
love for the Holy Prophet , the power of that love showed wonders and
miracles. If those who understand the Holy Qur'an and Arabic, meditate
over this sentence, their soul will also be overjoyed. لَقَدْ رَضِیَ
اللّٰہُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ اِذْ یُبَایِعُوْنَکَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَۃ
>Subhan Allah! Allah's love is gained due to love for the Messenger of Allah . The space for the column is full. Let us stop the role of love. First, the maximum love is for Allah, then the Holy Prophet , then the Prophets, angels and Sahabah and then those whom Allah and the Holy Prophet have ordered to love. Then a strong lock. But what about the oppressive lock that does not let true love enter the heart?
>The heart devoid of love is like desertised salined land. O Allah open this lock. اَللّٰھُمَّ افْتَحْ اَقْفَالَ قُلُوْبِنَا
>The lock will open with rememberance of Allah, supplicating beseechingly, abundant Durood for the Holy Prophet and asking forgiveness in abundance.
>لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>اللھم صل علی سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرا
>لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>Translated by: Abdullah
>--- On Thu, 18/10/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>,
>>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>>Date: Thursday, 18 October, 2012, 8:15 PM
>>اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کہ یہ ظلم ہے اور قابلِ مذمت ہے۔
>>لیکن ایک بات یہ ذہن میں آتی ہے کہ اس ایک واقعہ کی اتنی تشہیر اور مذمت کیوں؟
>>ڈاکٹر عافیہ پر ملالہ سے ہزار گنا زیادہ ظلم ہوا ہے اور ہورہا ہے۔اور امریکہ سے معاہدے کے تحت ذرائع ابلاغ پر اس کا ذکر کرنا بھی منع ہے۔
>>لیکن اس کا کوئی ذکر نہیں کرتا۔
>>افغان طالبان نے مریم ریڈ لی کوان کے ساتھ قید میں اتنا اچھا سلوک کیا کہ وہ اسلام کا مطالعہ کرنے اور مسلمان ہونے پر مجبور ہوگئی۔
>>اس کا بھی کوئی ذکر نہیں کرتا۔
>>ملالہ کے واقعے کی اتنی تشہیر اس لیے ہورہی ہے کہ یہ واقعہ مغرب کے اسلام دشمن عناصر کو بہت پسند آیا ہے
>>اس سے ان کو طالبان مخالف بالفاظِ دیگر اسلام مخالف پروپیگنڈے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔اسی لیے بی بی سی نے اس سے کالم لکھوائے اور اب اس کی تشہیر کررہا ہے۔
>>مغربی فنڈز سے چلنے والا میڈیا اسی لیے اس واقعے کو اچھال رہا ہے۔
>>ظلم بہر حال ظلم ہے جس پر بھی ہو۔
>>ڈرون حملوں نے کتنے گھر برباد کیے۔ عراق اور افغانستان میں لاکھوں بےگناہ مسلمانوں کو شہید کردیے
>>یہ لوگ ملالہ کے اتنے ہمدرد کیسے ہوگئے؟
>>کیا کبھی کسی نے یہ جاننے کی کوشش کی کہ طالبان لڑکیوں کی عصری تعلیم کے سکولوں کے مخالف کیوں ہیں؟
>>اس بارے میں ان کے کیا تحفظات اور اعتراضات ہیں؟اور ان کا تدارک کس طرح کیا جا سکتا ہے؟
>>کیا اس کی اتنی تشہیر کرکے ہم مغربی اسلام دشمن عناصر کے ہاتھ مضبوط تو نہیں کررہے؟
>>جو ہمیشہ یہ باور کرانا چاہتے ہیں کہ اسلام عورتوں کے خلاف ہے۔
>>جو طالبان کے نام کی آڑ میں اسلام کےخلاف پروپیگنڈہ کرنے کی کوشش میں ہیں۔
>>جو اپنے معاشرے میں عورت کی ناموس و حرمت کو ملیا میٹ کرکے اب اسلامی معاشرے میں بھی یہی حالت پیدا کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
>>کہیں ایسا تو نہیں کہ تحریک ناموسِ رسالت سے لوگوں کی توجہ ہٹانے کے لیے یہ واردات انھوں نے کروائی ہو؟
>>جیسے انھوں نے طالبان اور حکومت کے درمیان معاہدہ سبوتاژ کرنے کے لیے جعلی ویڈیو بنوائی اور سوات میں اپریشن کروایا گیا۔
>>حالانکہ یہ ان کا پسندیدہ کردار ہے۔
>>مگر جو ملک اپنے مخالف کو مروانے کے لیے اپنے سفیر کو مروا سکتا ہے اس سے کیا بعید ہے۔
>>ملالہ کو تو ایک گولی لگی ہے۔ڈاکٹر عافیہ کو روز گولیاں لگتی ہیں۔
>>اس کی بہن فوزیہ صدیقی تن تنہا اس کی آزادی کی لیے کوشش کررہی ہے۔
>>کراچی میں امریکن قونصل خانے کے سامنے اس کے احتجاج سے امریکہ اور حکومت اتنے خوف زدہ ہوگئے
>>کہ اب پتا نہیں وہ کہاں ہے اور کس حال میں ہے۔
>>اب اس کا نام بھی میڈیا کے لیے شجرِ ممنوعہ بنا دیا گیا ہے۔
>>ملالہ کے واقعے کی تشہہیر اس سے ہمدردی کی وجہ سے نہیں۔
>>بلکہ مغربی اسلام دشمن عناصر کے ایجنڈے کا حصہ ہے جس کے لیے ہمارا میڈیا پیسے لیتا ہے۔
>>یہ کہا جاتا ہے کہ طالبان یہ حرکت اس لیے کی وہ ان کے خلاف پروپیگنڈہ کرنے میں اسلام دشمن عناصر اور بی بی سی وغیرہ کی مدد کررہی تھی۔
>>یہ بات وہ لوگ اچھال رہے ہیں کہ جو امریکہ کے خلاف بولنے والوں کے خلاف ہونے والی کسی کارروائی اور غیر قانونی طور پر اٹھائے جانے پر ایک لفظ نہیں بولتےیا پھر رسمی الفاظ ادا کردیتے ہیں
>>تاکہ غیر جانبداری کا بھرم قائم رہے اور روشن خیالی پر حرف بھی نہ آئے۔
>>اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کہ ملالہ کے ساتھ ظلم ہوا ہے۔
>>اس سارے معاملے کو سطحی نظر سے دیکھنے کی بجائے گہرائی سے دیکھنا ہوگا۔
>>اور ہر پہلو کو سامنے رکھنا ہوگا۔کچھ لوگ مغرب کی نظر میں اچھا اور پسندیدہ بننے کے لیے پیسے بٹورنے کے لیے یہ کام کررہے ہیں
>>اورپاکستان کے خلاف سیونگ فیس جیسی فلمیں بنا کر بڑے بڑے ایوارڈ پاتے ہیں۔
>>اور کچھ لوگ انجانے میں ان کے ہاتھ مضبوط کررہے ہیں۔
>>اب تحریک ناموسِ رسالت کے بارے میں ایک لفظ بھی کہیں نہیں آرہا۔
>>ہمیں اس بارے میں طالبان کے حقیقی نمائندوں کے موقف بھی جاننا ہوگا
>>خصوصاً لڑکیوں کی عصری تعلیم کے سکولوں کے بارے میں ان کے تحفظات کےبارے میں جاننا ہوگا۔
>>ہر مسئلے کا حل موجود ہوتا ہے۔ جو افہام و تفہیم سے بھی نکل سکتا ہے۔
>>--- On Sun, 8/7/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>,
>>>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>>>Date: Sunday, 8 July, 2012, 8:50 AM
>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
>>>--- On Tue, 12/6/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>,
>>>>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>>>>Date: Tuesday, 12 June, 2012, 6:01 AM
>>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
>>>>Rang-o-Noor (BY SA'DI)
>>>>Download Arabic Font
>>>>May Allah bless us all with sagacity! Venerable Qari 'Umar Farooq has also departed. All of us, no doubt, are to depart. انا ﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون
>>>>Coming of death is no oppression of Allah to His slaves. Allah is free of oppression. One thing is that death is an essential part of man's journey. This journey starts from the world of the Souls. From there is the mother's womb then the womb of the world. Then the mouth of grave and the Interrum period. Then is the eternal world of the Hereafter either in the Paradise or Hell. The second point is that Allah has fixed a full syllabus and system for us in this connection that if we act upon it, death becomes a comfort and delight for us. The third point is that the utmost effort of the Satan is to make man negligent of death. Every one must peep into his heart. So many people rather most of the people consider themselves exempted from death on the basis of different presumptions. They are always under the deception, "The time of my death has not yet come." Some one is under is under the delusion that someone had has told him after studying lines in
his hands that he would live long. May Allah forgive! May Allah forgive!
>>>>Some other is of the view, "My parents are yet alive. I shall die after them." Some other believes, "I give five or ten rupees as alms and there is increase in age due to alms." There is no doubt in the blessings of alms. But there are also the deeds that break away blessings. The Satan has wonderful nets. These days, a professor has claimed that the time of death is not predetermined. I think, he is not at fault. Only such false ideas strike the mind after learning mysticism in the company of cigarettes and films. The Holy Prophet says, "Two things grow young in man when he grows old i.e. Lust for wealth ii. Longing for long life." (Al-Muslim)
>>>>The sorrowful thing is that so many people listen to and follow that professor. Military and police officers are his disciples. So many famous singers are also inspired by him. May Allah protect the Muslim Ummah! The gist is that most of the people are negligent of death. The heart is filled with light if man is blessed with one moment's memory of death. But how can those who have decided not to die be blessed with this memory?
>>>>I happened to go an ill person. He was realizing death due to intensity of illness. He began to weep and say, "What will become of my parents and my daughter if I die?" Whereas Allah has been feeding his parents since the time when he had not been born and the Sustainer of the daughter is also Allah Almighty. It becomes clear that he did not remember death even in illness otherwise the anxiety would have been "What would become of me?" There are important stages ahead: i. Agony of Death ii. Questions in the Grave iii. Reward or Punishment in the Interrum Period iv. Resurrection Alive v. The Filed of Hashr (Resurrection) vi. Accountability of the Entire Life vii. Scale of Deeds viii. Attendance Before Allah ix. Evidence of the Parts of the Body and the Earth x. The Bridge of Sirat and then Final Decision.
>>>>Imam Muzani says that he went to Imam Shafi' when he was in the pangs of death and said to him, "O Abu Abdullah, how do you do?" Imam Shafi' said, "The condition is that I am leaving this world leaving my friends and relatives behind. I am going to face evil deeds. I am going to drink the cup of death and am going to face my Allah. I do not know whether my soul is moving to the Paradise so that I may congratulate it or is moving to the Hell so that I may condole with it."
>>>>The wonder is that there is description of death in the Holy Qur'an at so many places. There are funerals all around us. There are graves all around us but we neither recall death nor there is any tension to make provisions for that journey. A Muslim should remember for one moment at least during 24 hours with certainty that he is going to die. The supplication has already been taught. اَللّٰھُمَّ بَارِکْ لِیْ فی الْمَوْتِ وَ فِیْمَا بَعْدَالْمَوْتِ.
>>>>It comes to be known that death is not a punishment but a thing of blessings and there will be blessings after this. It is all for those who believe in death, prepare for death and die in a state of Belief. How dangerous it is that death may befall all of a sudden when man is in sinning or intending some disbelief or oppression. The Arabs have placesd so many things at the Internet. A man who died while reciting couplets in memory of his beloved. A man who was burnt in a state sinning with a woman because the room of the hotel caught fire. A girl who was dancing fell down and died. Her dead body refused to accept any shroud. Whenever, she was shrouded, it itself removed from the body and those parts were exposed, exposing which she would dance. These days the unveiled dresses of open neck and short sleeves are becoming popular with ladies. Dress is corrected if one remembers coffin but only the Believer remembers the coffin. Our dear Qari 'Irfan
would keep his shrouding clothes with him during journey or stay.
Wherever he went, before other things, he would advise about his
death, "If I die here, shroud me in these pieces of cloth and offer
funeral prayer at me as soon as possible and bury me in this city etc.
>>>>It means, he was anxious about the actual matter first. The affairs of the world continue. Islam has desinged a very wonderful syllabus of death. Here I am giving a brief glimpse. The detail will be given at any other moment if life lasts.
>>>>i. The living humans have been ordered to recall death in abundance. Do not utter the word death from the tongue but tell the heart that death may come without knocking. So be ready always and prepare for it. So many verses of the Holy Qur'an and traditions of the Holy Prophet are found in this regard.
>>>>ii. Two things that spoil man's death have been forbidden very stressively. One is Greed and the other is long worldly hopes. Think a little, how these two maladies harm a man and how they spoil his end.
>>>>iii. Two things have been called the criterion of sagacity. One, controlling ones own Self and making it obey the Sharia. Second doing such deeds as may be useful after death i.e. the world is ordained and there is dictate to labour for the Hereafter.
>>>>iv. Such deeds and supplications as will be useful at the time of agony of death have been taught. Make death sweet as syrup and get the door of comforts after death opened. We must memorise all those supplications and beg for them greater than the needs of the world i.e. the supplication of good end, the supplication of Kalimah Tayyibah at the time of last breath, supplication of protection against death in negligence, the supplication of accepted Shahadat, the supplication of ease at the time of death, the supplication of protection against the subversion of the Munkar and the Nakeer and punishment in the grave and supplication for rest of stages in the Hereafter.
>>>>v. All the following jobs like visiting the graves, joining company of the holy and the pious, joining the funerals, avoiding the company of the negligent, not nourishing high hopes considering all sufficient that is available in the world have been taught so that death may be kept in mind in this clamour of the world.
>>>>vi. As much as a man advances in age, he must make more and more arrangements to recall death and remain away fiscal matters because there is more danger of man's being greedy whereas the time of death is at hand.
>>>>This is an initial syllabus. There are many more syllabuses after it. The reason is that death is certain. The journey of death is very very long. After death, there is either a great comfort or pain. The world is very small, an ordinary things and place. Here no one can tolerate loneliness. How will loneliness in the vast world of the Interrum period be undergone? May Allah be kind to us and protect us against terror and loneliness there and bless us with the true company of the Holy Qur'an and holy people! Hazrat 'Ayesha Siddiquah رضی اللہ عنھاsays, "I saw the Holy Prophet at the time of his death that he would dip his hand in a cup of water and then place that hand at his face" Then he would say اَللّٰھُمَّ اَعِنیِّ عَلیٰ غَمَرَاتِ الْمَوْتِ وَسَکَرَاتِ الْمَوْتAllah, help me in the intensity and pangs of death! (Tirmizi)
>>>>It is reported by Hazrat 'Ayesha رضی اللہ عنھاin Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim that the following supplication was at his lips at the last moments: اَللّٰھُمَّ اغْفِرْلِیْ وَارْحَمْنِیْ وَاَلْحِقْنِیْ بِالرَّفِیْقِ الْاَعْلیٰ"O Allah, forgive me and be kind to me and join me with the Great companion!"
>>>>Let us memorise these supplications. We must attach special importance to our supplications under this topic. I shall try to sum up all the Sunnah supplications concerning death and all its stages in the next column if Allah wills. Venerable Qari 'Umar Farooq had been ill for a long time. He was true servant of the Holy Qur'an. His living and dying was with the Holy Qur'an. He would often remember death. A few weeks ago, his greetings and message came, "I should be buried near venerable Abba Jee when I die." I sent him the reply, "May Allah bless you with long life! Your request about burial is accepted." But the system of the soil is determined from above. Man is buried under the soil from where he is created. A treasure of strange narrations, tales and stories is found in the books in this regard. It is said, "Two things draw man to themselves from a long distance: One is livelihood and the second is the soil of the grave." Venerable Qari died in a
village near Murree that was his birth place. Hence he was buried
there. May Allah raise him in his degrees and bless him with high
place of forgiveness! The relation between us was very deep, sweet and
of respect.
>>>>I was greatly sad hearing the news of his demise. So many scenes in the company of venerable Qari gotrefreshed in the mind. His Oath of life long allegiance during my speech in the Bala Kot Masjid and his passionate emotional speech that caused the listeners weep; all haunt me. Going to the Masjid, I supplicated, "O Allah, venerable Qari excelled all the people on that day and balmed thousands of broken and injured hearts. O Allah, now he is with You. Bless him with so great Reward and honour for that deed of his that he may get pleased! Venerable Qari's love for the organization was very strange. He always yearned for the progress of the organization and was always patient in countering the antagonistic news.
>>>>Once, a very horrible subversion befell. So many people were travelling far and wide to propagate that the organization had been wiped out. Now no one likes to talk of those people. A delegate went to venerable Qari to pour these words into his ears. The members of the delegate were somewhat respectable. People would listen to their words. In the same way, a few other individuals also conveyed this news to venerable Qari. He was very upset and sad at heart. He did not convey to us any objection due to love, respect and esteem. But he himself pined at heart. Venerable teacher Hazrat Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Nu'mani also expired those days. I went to Tahir Wali to attend his funeral. Hazrat Qari 'Umar Farooq had also there come from Rahim Yarkhan. After the funeral, when I started to my car, I took Hazrat Qari also with me. People also rushed to shake hands. I was caught in that assemblage. The guards made a line and took me to the car with great
difficulty. Then the crowd encircled my car. But we had boarded the
car and was shaking hands with people by lowering the windows of the
car. It was a routine for us. So, we felt neither any trouble nor any
aggrandizement nor it was a strange thing. Our caravan had become
skilled in shaking hands with a few people and then taking to heels
avoiding others. But what was it? I was listening loud talk and speech
from the rear seat of the vehicle. When I turned round, I saw
venerable Qari waving hands in the intensity of emotions and calling
some people by their names, "O such and such, come here! Look here!
You say there is no one to talk about these people. The people here
are rushing wildly to shake hands with him. O such and such! You
cannot scratch out love for him from the hearts of the people even if
you drop atom bomb at them." Venerable Qari was under a flood of
emotions at that time and he was unable to control himself. The people
whom he was
calling were all hundreds of miles away from him. I intended to tell
venerable Qari that all those people were away from him. But seeing
his state, I did not have courage to say so. His voice kept resounding
even after the departure of the car and he remained in that state for
a long time. Actually, his heart was injured and upset and hearing
only one point again and again he had also grown the idea of the truth
of their words. Now, as the heart was balmed, he was overwhelmed by
delight and passions.
>>>>Which incident do I write? Glorious and grand functions with venerable Qari, his sincere feasts, happy journeys in his company and his volumtary services. When the department of "Revival of Sunnah" of the organization was initiated the eyes fell upon him only for management and organization. He had a wonderful blessing of "modesty" in the heart as well as eyes. He managed this department well. He kept running it as long his health permitted.
>>>>I received the sad news from Karachi yesterday that Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Aslam Sheikhupuri had been killed. Aslam Sheikhupuri was Exegete of the Holy Qur'an and preacher of Islam. He was the author of so many books and a successful religious teacher. I had very amiable relations with him for a long period. He was returning after teaching the Holy Qur'an that anonymous cruel killers attacked him. May Allah forgive him and raise him in his degrees! May Allah grant us with the power and capacity to remember death and make preparations for it and bless us all with good enviable death!
>>>>لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ.
>>>>اللھم صل علیٰ سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرا.لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ.
>>>>Rang-o-Noor (BY SA'DI)
>>>>Download Arabic Font
>>>>May Allah forgive and raise in the degree of those four true lovers who have been occupying my mind and heart! I was to write some thing else. The topic of Istikharah is very important and necessary. Would that the Light of Istikharah become common with the Muslims! How strange, people get guidance from everyone but not from their Lord Who is the All-knowing.
>>>>O brothers and sisters, Istikharah is a very high ranked thing provided made by one's ownself. There is no use asking anyone else to do so. I have been thinking for many hours to write down all the narrations and persuasions about it. The Taliban launched a very furious and horrible attack at the houses of the Infidels on a strange day and at a strange time i.e. the 2nd May. I intended to write about that also. Many other points were also striking me but today, the heart is going out of control. O, yes, my heart is palpitating and wants to discuss so many points with you and me. I impose some restriction on it but it does not yield
>>>>Lo, see, five letters are lying to my right. If I note those letters down fully, many secrets of love will be disclosed. Let the secrets be secrets. Now, let us recite a supplication:
>>>>This poor weak person yearns and supplicates, "May Allah chop my body into pieces equal to the Letters, Full Stops and punctuation marks of the Holy Qur'an and order the winds to carry those bits and pieces and scatter them in the path of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad treading those bits and pieces, the Holy Prophet may go to the field of Resurrection!" Allah Akbar! You have recited the supplication and also what he has demanded Allah in lieu of this activity. He says, "My Allah forgive my leader, the entire Muslim Ummah and myself and bless all the Muslim captives including sister Afia with release!"
>>>>Allah, Allah, Allah! This is Belief This is heart and this is love! And this was one of our dear companions Maulana Hafiz 'Ata Allah Shaheed.
>>>>Once, I happened to read the definition of the "Poor." So many people write the word "Poor" with their names. We do not object to anyone. Moreover, today's is the sitting of the Shuhada. Not one Shaheed but four. The Holy Prophet says, "Four companions are the best ones. There can be no point of criticism to the Shuhada." It was very difficult to define "the Poor ." The Poor is the one who has no need of the creature neither of wealth nor honour nor good treatment nor veneration but he may have deep love for Allah but his love must be free of any condition such as "My supplication must be granted at any cost. There must be such type of dealing with me." No, there must be love that he may like to do every thing for Allah and may like to give every thing in the name of Allah. It was a very detailed definition. Then, a liking in the heart that Allah may show me also such a poor and also yearning arose in the heart that Allah may make me such a Poor! We
were still unable to go near him that one day I received a letter.
The name under the letter was Faqir 'Ata Allah. Then I also had a
meeting with him filled with tears. Then, there was second and third
letter. Then I received a watch that he had left for me while leaving.
That Poor (Faqir) was an actual Poor who was Hafiz of the Holy Qur'an,
not only Hafiz but also servant, not only servant but also lover.
Servant is the one who abides by a thing compulsorily. He had been
abiding by the Holy Qur'an. But the rank of love is higher than it. He
had love for the recitation of the Holy Qur'an. Most of you would have
heard him reciting the Holy Qur'an by heart. Wherever he lived, he
lived with the Holy Qur'an. He was reciting the Holy Qur'an that he
was chopped into bits and pieces equal to the number of the letters of
the Holy Qur'an and was lost in the high atmosphere above. He found
the true status of "the Poor" during the last days of life. He had no
of anyone else but was very anxious to meet his Lord. He was found
among the people but his passions, ideas and fancies would fly
somewhere else.
>>>>He very patiently waited long for union with Allah. During his last visit, he said, "It is the practice of true lovers to sit at the door of the beloved in wait for union with him." Then his eyes began to shower resplendence of delight. It seemed as if this sentence had placed balm at his heart in separation. Then he lived the rest of the days either in calm or impatience or palpitating in fondness.
>>>>Now, let go my point. Let us study a part of his letter, "Depending on Allah, I challenge the enemies of Islam to retaliate them for every Letter and Punctuation Mark of the Holy Qur'an. The slaves of Muhammad will not sit in peace until they take revenge of every Letter of the Holy Qur'an if Allah wills." Its clear proof is glorious success of the membership campaign. O Allah, increase in it! I pray, "May Allah bless the Jaish with sources in abundance so that the Fedai of the Jaish may fall upon the enemies of Islam like a fortified castle!" You have read a true writing of a true Muslim. This is called the height of love.
>>>>You will say that it was one letter. What do other letters say? O brothers, those letters are also very precious and important. There was a letter in the yesterday's mail asking a decree. Is it fair or not to go out to wage Jihad without permission of the parents?" The answer was "Jihad is the job of the lovers. No one goes out to wage Jihad under a decree rather a new chapter of discussion starts i.e. war of words and deprivation of true love. Those who are true in love for Allah, always palpitate and fight for it. They do not tolerate insult of the Holy Qur'an. They cannot see the timely defeat of Islam. Only one verse, one tradition or one Ghazwa is enough to teach them Jihad. No decree affects those whose target is this world. If the parents are Muslims, they do not hinder their children from Jihad. If a few of them are negligent, they can be trained. But there is a special world in these four letters. There was not only fondness but crazy love
to be sacrificed as soon as possible. Whom should I mention? Either
the tall-statured Nu'man Shaheed of Dera Ismail Khan? He was called
Abdur-Rahman who remoined in service of Jihad and organization not
till his last breath but after his Shahadat even. "How?" It is a
belief-provoking tale. His letter is the briefest, full of meanings
and very comprehensive. These Mujahid who are called little, say was
great things, "O Allah bless those with Shahadat who love it from the
core of their hearts!" Subhan Allah, the yearning of the heart! What
should I say of Muhamamd Taufique of Savabi? The old skilled painter
who filled the history of Jihad with the paint of his blood. The
responsible individuals in the organization were impressed by his
morals and intelligence. I requested him to get his appointment
changed for some time and work with us. Hearing this, Mr. Taufique ran
a high temperature to 104. O my dear this is called love. That little
smiling Rizwan
whose name was Ihsan Allah but Rizwan suited to him. He was a
wonderful shot and very courageous. The people of Peshawar can rightly
feel pride in him. These were four friends from Maulana 'Ata Allah of
Lodharan to Rizwan, a very strange troop. I offer special thanks to
one of them. He visited me in dream two days before Shahadat and after
Shahadat also. He became companion of my loneliness. Many thanks to
the true Faqir and true Shaheed 'Ata Allah.
>>>>Be happy, O Shaheed! Be happy. May Allah raise you in degrees and bless us with Belief! It is not my habit but I feel ashamed of concealing will of 'Ata Allah Shaheed. He was certainly true lover of Allah, person of Belief and sagacity. All that he wrote for the companions would certainly be for the good of the companions. So, I note down his brief will.
>>>>"I advise all the membes of the Jaish to give proof of loyalty to the Jaish and leader of the Jaish and obey him at any cost, not to be indulged in any propaganda of a Hypocrite. Keep away their conspiracies and propagandas and crush any negative conspiracy and revolt but abide by the rules and dictates of the organization
>>>>'Ata Allah Lodhari
>>>>لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>>>>اللھم صل علی سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرالا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>>>>Rang-o-Noor (BY SA'DI)
>>>>Download Arabic Font
>>>>May Allah bless us all with complete faith and kill us at complete faith and promulgate faith and Islam in our generations till the Day of Judgement! Tomorrow is 2nd May. The sad incident of May 2, 2011 befell last year in which Sheikh Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laadin was killed. Usama ¦ was one of the people who would celebrate neither any Urs nor any death anniversary, nor birthday nor death. Actually, there is no proof of celebrating these days in Islam. Islam has its own days. Celebration of Eid-ul-Fitre is as a pleasure of fasting and that of Eid-ul-Azha is as a pleasure of sacrifice. Which day will remain free if we begin to celebrate individuals? How will it be decided whether it is a jubilee or mourning? Happiness befalls on a day in a year but the next year sad incident takes place on that very day. Thanks to Din Islam that saved the Muslims from every kind of labour and worry and busied them in Divine dictates. We also did not remember the
2nd May under this very principle. But we witness in the news that
all the white and the black are preparing to celebrate the 2nd May.
The newspapers are writing columns and the channels of the news are
conducting the fair of the intellectuals. Man recalls that date in
this situation. We had greater concern for the children and wife of
Sheikh Usamah. Their captivity was a shock and their honourable
release was a permanent supplication. The enemies say that so many
suggestions about Abbatabad operation were discussed whether bombing
with B-52, Drone attack or a small fatal bomb. If it had been done,
all the residents of the house would have been killed but Allah's
system of protection is very strong. These pygmy webs of the world can
cause no harm to that protection system. So, they were constrained to
send a few commands. Only four helicopters were used. One was
specified to capture and carry the inmates of the house. When a
helicopter fell headlong and
was destroyed, they could not achieve their goal. Subhan Allah! How
is Allah protecting the children of a Mujahid!
>>>>Hazrat Imam Muhammad, the leader of traditions had special liking for Jihad. Now people study the chapters on "Lifting Hands in Prayer" and "Reciting Fatiha Following the Iman" just to haggle and quarrel but forget the "Kitab-ul-Jihad" and Kitab-ul-Maghazi" in Al-Bukhari. It can be said emphatically that if a person studies Kitab-ul-Jihad in Al-Bukhari and understands the Maghazi by Imam Bukhari, there remains no difficulty nor any doubt in understanding Jihad. Allah be thanked, I have spent so many days and nights in studying the Al-Bukhari and have worked on traditions in Kitab-ul-Maghazi." Imam Bukhari describes Jihad in detail very minutely. For example, he gives proofs of amplitude in wealth for spending it in Jihad and Mujahid; a belief-provoking description of intending to make children Mujahidin. Such wonderful points are not found in other books. This thing is also proved from amplitude in wealth of the Mujahid that Allah's blessings descend
upon his children. We can note the living example of amplitude in
children of Sheikh Usamah who led his life under the shadow of death
and Allah's special fortification for the protection of his children.
Allah be thanked, his wife and children reached Saudi Arabia safe and
sound this very week. May Allah shower His mercy upon them and bless
them with perseverance to Belief! These days, most of the people are
seen yearning for long life. Don't talk of the mundance people. They
never wish to die. They wish to keep eating and drinking in this
world. But religious-minded people also yearn for long lives. They
give the reason that they want to do maximum good deeds. There is
prescription of long life for these people, "Supplicate, labour and
strive to make your children holy and pious because children are also
a part of man's life." If the children keep doing good deeds after
their death, the parents will keep reaping its good reward as if
parents were
alive and were doing good deeds. Lo, See, you have scored a long life
without using a medicine or getting any treatment. The Holy Prophet
says, اِنَّ اﷲَ عَزَّوَجَلَّ لَیَرْفَعُ الدَّرَجَۃَ لِلْعَبْدِ
الصَّالِحِ فِی الْجَنَّۃِ فَیَقُوْلُ اَیْ رَبِّیْ! اَنّٰی لِیْ ھٰذا؟
فَیَقُولُ بِاسْتِغْفَارِ وَلَدِکَ لَکَ ﴿احمد﴾ "No doubt, Allah raises
the status of the pious person in the Paradise. He will say, "O my
Lord, for which deed is all this?" Allah will say, "It is due to your
son's begging forgiveness for you." (Musnad Ahmad)
>>>>I happened to study a strange point at a place. It was "Be avaricious for the fact that someone other may not teach Surah Al-Fatihah to your son before you." It means, you yourself should teach it to him because on growing up, that child will recite this Surah in every obligatory and Supererogatory Prayer. So do not let any other to excel you in reaping this great good reward.
>>>>You would certainly have studied the tradition in Al-Muslim, "When a man dies, his deeds stop. But there are three things whose reward continues. i. Alms, ii. Useful knowledge iii. Pious children who keep praying for the parents.
>>>>Now we have learnt three methods of living long. If you really want to live for good deeds, take up any one of these methods. In this way, you can live for centuries rather till the Doomsday. The best way and secret of long life is Shahadat. The Holy Qur'an describes the Shaheed that he is alive. The man who doubts is not a Muslim. There is no talk of short or long life if we gain Shahadat. There is all life one after the other with progress at each stage. It is not a normal life but so strong life that the stomach may acquire capacity to achieve all the blessings of the Paradise. The name of Sheikh Usamah Shaheed's father was Muhammad from Yemen Tribe. Muhammad was a labourer. The idea struck him that one of the sources of amplitude in living is "Journey." He stuffed his old clothes in a bag, sold his house, rode a camel and set out to Jeddah. He got a job there for 30 Rayal per month. His progress started and his assets reached 900 million in a few
days. It is a strange tale. Reliance in Allah and fidelity with Him
blessed the man who did not know even reading and writing, with so
great auspiciousness. When the Masjid Aqsa was to be rebuilt in the
seventies, Muhammad invested his wealth in it. In this way, Muhammad's
wealth was invested in the construction of three Masajid i.e. Masjid
Haram, Masjid Nabvi and Masjid Aqsa. Subhan Allah, the people whose
wealth is spent in Jihad in the way of Allah and Jihad should be
envied. Allah be thanked, the Jami' Masjid Subhan Allah in Bahawalpur
is near its completion. Anyone who looks at this Masjid, is
constrained to utter Subhan Allah. How lucky are the people whose
wealth Allah has accepted for this Masjid i.e. the Masjid of the
Fedais, conquerors and worshippers. سبحان اﷲ وبحمدہ سبحان اﷲ العظیم
>>>>The Qur'an Manzil" near the Masjid is almost constructed. May Allah attach the Muslims with Masjid and Jihad!
>>>>Be sure, religious and worldly success of the Muslims lies in it only. Our ex-Prime Minister with delegation went to Singapore. They obtained time from their president with great difficulty just to know. "How can Pakistan make progress?"
>>>>A person acquainted with me in Singpore wrote to me, "I want to come back. There is so much adultery and fornication that even dogs and donkeys may feel ashamed. There is greater bashlessness than the beasts." Our Prime Minister was bowing his head before that Pagan and was asking the secret of progress. That wicked person said, "Your country cannot make progress." When asked the reason, he said, "Your religion does not let it. How can you progress when your target is the Hereafter?" How idiotic, foolish and infidelic the point is. But no one's sense of honour among the delegate was stirred to admonish him or give up his discipleship and come back. All kept nodding their heads in affirmation. Alas! If there had been Belief, there would have been sense of honour. Their eyes and hearts are blind with yearning for wealth. From where can religious sense of honour come in the people who consider the wealth of this world every thing. A Muslim's belief in
the Hereafter is not just for success in the Hereafter. Complete
faith in this Belief causes his success in the world also. The bad
circumstances of the Muslims these days are just because the Muslims
have given up acting upon Islam and they have taken up ways of the
Infidels. They ways of the Infidels can be useful only for the
Infidels but they are fatal to the Muslims. Man dies if he is drowned
in water whereas the fish survives in water but it dies in fresh air
on the dry land. Kalimah Tayyibah has its own nature, inclination,
diet and a distinctive way of living. The people of the Kalimah gain
life and progress from the Qur'an, prayers and Majsid. Do you know
which luxury did Muhammad bin Ladin enjoy when there was increase in
his wealth. Lo! Listen, he purchased helicopter to offer one prayer in
each of the three Masjid daily. One prayer in Masjid Haram, the other
in Masjid Nabvi and another in Masjid Aqsa. Allah be thanked, this
liking of his was
also fulfilled. If our Muslims create the fondness of going to the
Masjid in their locality, it will be sufficient and a thing of great
>>>>Muhammad bin Ladin arranged so many marriages. The number of his children is fifty-three individuals. Sheikh Usamah Shaheed was born to his mother that belonged to Sham. He was still very young when his father died in an air crash. In this way, he led a few years of orphanhood also. It is said that Sheikh Usamah inherited 300 million dollars. It is a long tale with so many war fronts from Afghanistan to Somalia and Yemen. Then his place of getting killed is Abbatabad and then the cool waves of the Mediterranean. All these points came to mind due to clamour about 2nd May otherwise I neither recall any date of birth nor Shahadat at any death. Good and pious children are great blessing of Allah. All of you are requested to attach your children with the Holy Qur'an, Masjid and Jihad. Only Allah is their Sustainer not you. If they are used in the service of Islam, both you and they will be in luxury and comfort.
>>>>لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>>>>اللھم صل علی سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرالا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>>>>Translated by: Abdullah
>>>>Rang-o-Noor (BY SA'DI)
>>>>Download Arabic Font
>>>>May Allah bless us all with the true sweetness of Belief!
>>>>We were talking of two women. One is mentioned in the Surah Al-Lahab who is burning in the flames of fire. The second that is mentioned in the Surah An-Noor i.e. on the high ranks of resplendent Paradise. Every Muslim woman should take stock of herself where she wants to go. We were talking of the second woman. She discerned trials and tribulations from the very day of her birth. What did that little innocent girl see in her childhood? When ever her father would come home, he was injured. Sometimes his face was so swollen due to the beatings of the polytheists that he could not be recognized. Then, one day, the same father left that innocent daughter in darkness and set out on the path of emigration with his lord. Early in the morning, accursed Abu Jahl was roaring at his door. There was fear, starvation, loneliness, oppression and persecution. It was childhood of that great princess. Then she had to quit her homeland and undergo the hard journey of
emigration. Her name is 'Ayesha alias Siddiqah who is mother of the
Muslims. The Holy Qur'an calls her our mother. What else do we need?
>>>>She is Siddiqah D/o Siddique. Her mother is also a Sahabia whose name is Zainab but is known as Um-e-Ruman. Her family is Quraish. Her father was the chief of Sahabah. Her grandfather and brother were also Sahabi. It was the fifth year of revelation of Prophethood when this innocent soul was born. The first lesson that she received in the house was that of لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ. She herself, her father as well as her husband was pious. It was such an auspiciousness whose height is beyond imagination. The order from the High Throne came that the Holy Prophet would marry Hazrat 'Ayesha. Hazrat 'Ayesha's picture was shown to the Holy Prophet for three nights. She was married in Makkah but was sent to her house in Madina in 2 AH. She was again left alone at the age of 18 when the Holy Prophet died. The general laws of the world change when Allah is kind to someone. She won so high position and so great knowledge in
so short period that great scholar Sahabah would go to her to gain
knowledge. At the age of 63 years and a few months, she departed to
the immortal world for which she had been waiting anxiously. I don't
perceive what to write and what to spare. Should I write the
traditions and narrations that tell us of the excellences of Hazrat
'Ayesha Siddiquah? Subhan Allah! How attractive and belief-provoking
is the topic of the trials and tribulations our sacred mother had to
witness with her open eyes. Allah Akbar! It is a strange tale of
determination, courage and belief; the attributes about which no one
is equal to 'Ayesha Siddiqah. Subhan Allah! It is a permanent
exhilarating topic and the learned people have written about it
profusely i.e. the blessings with which the Muslim Ummah was blessed
due to Hazrat 'Ayesha Siddiquah. Subhan Allah! It is also a permanent
philosophic and spiritual discussion. Mention of Hazrat 'Ayesha is
also a source of good reward
and descence of blessings. Venerable Sahabah were so wise and
deep-sighted that they kept their presents in store to offer them to
the Holy Prophet when he was staying with Hazrat 'Ayesha. Their objet
was to provide more pleasure to the Holy Prophet . The wife who was
blessed the maximum love of the master of both the Worlds was Hazrat
'Ayesha Siddiqah.
>>>>Would she have enjoyed great luxury in the world? No, not at all. She had to remain hungry for consecutive three days. She was not provided with dates to satiate her hunger before the conquest of Khyber. Keep it in mind that so high ranks and excellences are not attained easily. One has to pay a very high price for it. Moreover, those who pay this price with pleasure and gratitude are blessed with actual success and high ranks. So many of us pine with the yearning that their wives and children may lead luxurious lives after them. But note here. What is the Holy Prophet advising his wife Hazrat 'Ayesha Siddiqah?
>>>>"O 'Ayesha, if you want to remain with me in the Hereafter, consider only that quantity in the world sufficient for you as a traveller keeps with him as provisions of journey. Keep away the company of the wealthy. Keep putting the clothes on until they are patched." (Sunan Tirmizi)
>>>>Please note, who is advising and to whom is advising? If we also inculcate this will in minds, we may get rid of the punishment of worldliness. The Holy Prophet was asked, "Who is dearer to you among the people?" He said, "'Ayesha." This order is to that 'Ayesha, "Shun the company of the mundane people. Do not to accumulate much wealth in the world. Do not to forsake clothes until they are patched." This is the secret of glory and success. This is the real well-wishing and love. Think please, what is the criterion of success with us these days. Let it go. Let us have a look at the Attributes of Hazrat 'Ayesha.
>>>>i. This is the grand lady whose purity and chastity Allah Himself proved in the Holy Qur'an and warned the people till the Doomsday یَعِظُکُمُ اللّٰہُ اَنْ تَعُوْدُوْا لِمِثْلِہٰ اَبَدًا اِنْ کُنْتُمْ مُّؤْمِنِیْنَ ﴿النور:۷۱﴾ Beware, if you need Belief, don't utter such words in future i.e. if someone tries to defile her in future, will be deprived of Belief. (An-Noor:17)
>>>>ii. She was the most loved wife of the Holy Prophet . He had given her the title "Humairah." He had race competition with her twice. He said to her, "Hazrat Jibrail greets you." The Holy Prophet called her his wife in the world as well as in the Hereafter. He led the last days of his life at her residence and died very near her. He used the last Miswak in his life which Hazart 'Ayesha chewed and made soft. He ordered the Sahabah to gain knowledge from her. She is the one in whose quilt revelation was sent down.
>>>>iii. The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet demanded increase in the monthly allowance. The Holy Prophet was displeased at it and stopped talking to them. The verses of the Holy Qur'an were sent down advising the Holy Prophet to offer them option between two things, "Do you want the world or Allah, His messenger and the Hereafter?" These verses are called the verses of Option." The Holy Prophet first of all told these verses to Hazrat 'Ayesha and said, "'Ayesha, do not hurry in making decision. Consult your parents first." Hazrat 'Ayesha was upset and said, "What consultation with parents about you? No, not at all. I opt only Allah, His Messenger and the Hereafter." The Holy Prophet was pleased. Hence, all the wives followed the decision made by Hazrat 'Ayesha.
>>>>iv. Allah blessed the Muslims with so many bounties through Hazrat 'Ayesha. For example, slandering became such a crime due to her blessings that ordinance was issued. Whenever the cynical and bad-natured people wish, they defile others chastity. Now, eighty whips will be hit at their backs. The dictate of "Tayammum" was also sent down when her necklace was lost on the way returning from a battle and so many bounties and blessings also.
>>>>v. Allah blessed Hazrat 'Ayesha with so many great, profuse, useful and fruitful learnings. She had special skill in the knowledge of Heritage. No one was equal to her in the knowledge of Jurisprudence.
>>>>She had perfect command over medicine, verse and geneology. Most of the traditions are reported from her of all the wives rather the learned people say that learnings of all the women on the earth are less than those of Hazrat 'Ayesha.
>>>>Think a little please. Most of the marriages of the Holy Prophet were conducted after marriage with Hazrat 'Ayesha but the Holy Prophet's love for Hazrat 'Ayesha kept increasing each day. Is it possible? Some marriages were conducted under her patronage and she herself prepared her co-wife with her own hands. This is love and Belief. There must be no complaint against any of Allah's dictate nor any thing of this world or glory be made the object of life. All the marriages of the Holy Prophet were for the sake of Din, Islam and the Muslim Ummah. I thought over those marriages and the heart was brightened with love for the Holy Prophet . Ever new benefit of Din and the Ummah in every marriage and ever new progress or ease for the Muslims in every marriage. Think over it minutely, if Allah grants you with the capacity. His body is so holy, pious, pure and resplended that till today rather till the Doomsday, all good light and purity will be reflected
from his pure body. If a wicked person is visited by any doubt or
question about his marriages, it is filth of his own innerself. The
biggest utility is that marriages should become common in the Ummah
and every door to bashlessness and vice may shut. If a society is
blessed with this utility, the Beings in the High Heaven look to it
>>>>Let it go. It is a separate topic. The topic under discussion was that the Holy Prophet conducted so many marriage after marriage with Hazrat 'Ayesha. There was neither any complaint, nor weeping nor sighing by Hazrat 'Ayesha. There was neither lack in love nor any imagination of it. She knew, "Allah will not spoil me." The result of this high stage of Belief and Reliance was that love for Hazrat 'Ayesha kept increasing in the Holy Prophet's heart. So much so, he got his grave dug in her room. All of you know what is the position of that Holy grave.
>>>>Today, you have read about two women. One is mentioned in the Surah Al-Lahab. Lahab means the flames of fire. Apparently, she was a successful woman. She was born and bred in luxury with every comfort of life. Her target was the world and she was ignorant of the Hereafter. She was proud of herself and she wanted to get every thing in this world. Fourteen years have passed and she is scolded daily in the Surah Al-Lahab. No one can become Hafiz of the Holy Qur'an until he scolds her. She is burning in the flames of fire eternally. The second woman; when she was born had to undergo trials and tribulations. There was neither luxury nor any enjoyment of the world. There was hunger, starvation, emigration, Jihad and love for worship. She loved Allah truly. Then she was blessed with the love and eternal company of the superior person in the universe. She did not make this world her target Consequently, all the glories and achievements fell under her feet.
>>>>She also led a life though in patched clothes and labour. But 1400 years have passed still she is brilliant and brightened in the Surah "An-Noor." No one can become the Hafiz of the Holy Qur'an until he professes her purity and high position. She herself is in "An-Noor" i.e. resplendent spiritual life; such a comfortable life that no one can even imagine of it. The first phase of "Al-Mu'minat campaign" has come to an end. All the mothers and sisters should forsake the path of Umm-Jamil and intend, strive, supplicate and labour to follow in the footsetps of Hazrat 'Ayesha Siddiquah.
>>>>لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ.
>>>>اللھم صل علیٰ سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرا.والحمدللّٰہ رب العالمینلا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ
>>>>Translated by: Abdullah
>>>>>--- On Thu, 31/5/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>>>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>,
>>>>>>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>>>>>>Date: Thursday, 31 May, 2012, 3:16 PM
>>>>>>أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ
>>>>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
>>>>>>>>--- On Fri, 20/4/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>>>>>>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>
>>>>>>>>>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>>>>>>>>>Date: Friday, 20 April, 2012, 12:44 PM
>>>>>>>>>Rang-o-Noor (BY SA'DI)
>>>>>>>>>Download Arabic Font
>>>>>>>>>May Allah forgive us all! رب اغفروارحم وانت ارحم الراحمین
>>>>>>>>>This is the supplication for which Allah's Dear and final Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ordered.
>>>>>>>>>قل رب اغفروارحم وانت ارحم الراحمین
>>>>>>>>>It is Allah's glory that I have been listening to the Jihad speeches since yesterday; very passionate, meaningful, effective and interesting but from where? I have no TV. May it not be with me! Normally TV does not telecaste Jihad speeches. Words against Jihad are uttered from there. Then, am I participating in a speech contest? No, not at all. It has not been my lot to participate in such functions since long. It is Lord's will and we are to be resigned to His will. A man was staying in Makkah. He fell so seriously ill that he was unable to go to the Holy Ka'bah. When he met Haji Imdad Allah, he told him his woeful story. He said, "Do you not go there after your own will?" He said, "No, it is just out of my handicap." Then he said, "Be resigned to His will Who has seated you at home. No wonder, you may earn more due to the blessings of being resigned to His will." No, doubt, so many people stay away from Ka'bah but nearer than the pigeons of
Ka'bah but so many are there who are physically nearer to Ka'bah and
but keep straying much away it. Sometimes, wish of the Self is also
included in the worship. The Holy Prophet says that in the last
period, the rich will perform Hajj and Umarah just to aggrandize and
show themselves off. What use? It is a great mistake to rise at the
place specified to be wiped out. I have not gone to the function but
have been listening to the Jihad speeches since yesterday.
>>>>>>>>>There is disappointment and darkness in the news these days. There is Memo gate scandal on the one hand, a tale of treachery. It is difficult to read it because one has to pass by not repulsive but unlawful characters. There is Mansur Ijaz that one feels vomiting hearing his name. He is the man hating whom is the demand of Belief. Hussain Haqqani is a good name but a heinous and repulsive character. He is the seller of everything of his country and his own for the sake of the world. The world will stay here and he will go ahead. Neither cunning nor link with the Infidels will do him any good there. Mehran Bank Scandal, the Bathroom of our politicians, is not a new thing. Our rulers and politicians themselves are ugly and heinous like their misdeeds.
>>>>>>>>>Once, a lawyer went to India. He kept cleaning the shoes of the polytheists. Then he came back. There is no one to interrogate him rather Mr. President is going to visit India. He may go there with love and live there if he likes because it is all dark. The eyes of the poor are coming out due to worry. Not to speak of meat, they cannot even eat vegetables. The first news daily is that of dearness. The second is that the rulers and politicians are upset to restore NATO supply who will supply goods to the killers so that they may shed blood of the Muslims, disgrace the Holy Qur'an and make a mince of the children of the Muslim Ummah. There is one Muhammad Al-Maraleh who alone killed seven Jews in France. The French Internal Minister called him a beast and taunted his father with being the father of a beast. But what about the children killed in Ghazza and Panjawani of Kandhar? Let it go. We are not in the habit of complaining against anyone nor
have any fondness to put mirror before anyone. It is a war; an
international Crusade. When all the Muslims or a few of them
understand it, they will teach a lesson to those beasts. The Muslims
are till now answering the field battle well. But the day is not far
when this war will expand and every grieved heart will become
"Muhammad Al-Maraleh." What will happen then? We Muslims are the Final
Ummah and only we are to live in this world. Those who dream of
extirpation of the Muslims will have to repent rather they are
repenting. Does someone recall that procession of "Lenin Grad" in
which a fake funeral was taken out i.e. the funeral of a god. There
will have been a fake god of theirs. Our Lord in only Allah who is
All-Powerful over everything. They would say, "Islam is now wiped
out." Go to the bazaar and buy two maps of the world. You will wonder
how many names have vanished and how many new names have appeared.
There is no one to weep over Soviet
Union. Now do one thing. Buy the present day map of the world and
write the date on it. The survivors after fifteen years must tally
this map with the map of that time. Then they will estimate the power
of Jihad with his open eyes.
>>>>>>>>>There is neither TV, nor meeting nor internet nor Satellite. Then from where did I listen to the speeches on Jihad? Be certain, they are still echoing. They were so many that I listened for two hours at night and almost one hour now. The fact is that I forgot to change side. There was not one but thirty-six speeches. It is evident, I always complain of paucity of time. I listened to a few fully and had a few glimpses of the others. All the speakers were passionate and warm. Their speeches were full of arguments from the universal verses of the Holy Qur'an and traditions of the Holy Prophet with couplets that cast a spell over senses. There was such an eloquence as defeated the flood; such a passion that was awaking the mountains. I also had the facility to stop or move any speakers anywhere I willed. I listened to someone's beginning but some others' ending. Tears rolled down my cheeks many times. Sometimes, heart beat increased. Allah has
described smiling with weeping in the Holy Qur'an. There was no
occasion of smiling in those speeches but nature does its work. A
speaker provided this chance. He was talking of Fateh Ali, the killed
one for Islam. He said, "Treachery of Mir Sadiq changed victory into
into defeat." Saying these words, he lost his memory. He repeated
thrice, "Victory was changed into defeat" and ended his speech at it.
The Judges perhaps also changed his victory into defeat and he could
not win any position in the contest. It is perhaps the incident of the
Thursday night when there was transaction of billions of dollars in
the entire world to wipe out Jihad. Millions of soldiers with lethal
weapons were at the borders to wipe out the Muslim Ummah. Thousands of
TV's, Nets and Radio channels were speaking against Jihad. At that
time, the Masjid Usman-o-Ali in Bahawalpur was resounding with
persuasion to Jihad. There was a speech contest on the topic "History
of Jihad."
There were thirty-six speakers representing Sindh, Punjab,
Balouchistan, NWFP and unoccupied Kashmir. The winners from their
respective divisions were trying their luck in the final contest of
"Bazm-e-Yousafi." These contests have been going on for many years but
I had the first chance to listen to them. I was pleased to know that
the students of Religious Institutions were participating in it. The
day is not far, when by the grace of Allah, the students of colleges
and universities will also become a part of this Bazm.
>>>>>>>>>It is dear father's blessing that he pushed me into these contests during my school days. I memorized well the speech that he gave me when I was ten. I won many contests with that speech. It was about the life history of the Holy Prophet . It was very eloquent. It was embellished with beautiful verses. So much so, I won a competition off hand at a school in Rahim Yar Khan in the presence of thousands of people. I was eleven then. I used to start the speech as soon as the button was switched on and completed it not-stop. When Allah took me to the resplendent, pure and belief-provoking atmosphere of the Madrasa, the speech contests continued. Once, I was given topic on Jihad. I consulted so many libraries and books but found no material on Jihad nor any book nor a journal on Jihad. There was a book on Jihad in Urdu but that writer had no place among the learned people. Normally, there was no Jihad around him. So, most of the points were imaginary.
I saw that book with a student but read that neither then nor at any
other moment. However, I found a few books on Jihad in the spacious
library of the Madrasa. I selected some material from that book and
prepared the rest for myself then. I completely forsook the habit of
cramming a speech. I just studied and delivered a speech according to
the demand of the opportunity. Was it a good or bad habit, I don't
know? But it did me great good later on.
>>>>>>>>>Now listen to a secret point. Only those people give suggestions about speech who can neither speak nor utter a few words. In the same way, only those give lengthy suggestions about writing who do not know how to hold a pen. Normally, it is never a good habit to give suggestions all the time at all the places. It is certainly a bad habit. Most often, unpractical people are found indulged in this habit. They consider it their right to whisper a suggestion into every one's ear whereas they themselves do nothing. The individuals who could not train even those individuals in their lives give free suggestion to reform the Emirates Afghanistan. Sometimes their style is aggressive. Who may say to them, "My dear, act upon these suggestions and prepare a bigger army than Mulla Muhammad Umar." May Allah save us from any impracticability and bad habit? Whenever you go to a greater and more useful person than you, take up two things, "Do not look at partial
faults. Second, try to learn instead of giving suggestions lest you
should go to an accepted saint and come back with the misgiving that
he was eating banana without breaking it with his hand or wrist watch
on his hand was not appealing to you or he was making a minor mistake
in recitation." The Sharia has given great expansion in many matters
and so many mistakes are not harmful to Belief and deeds. As there is
distance from Jihad, people have called greetings and shaking hands
the criterion of truth and falsehood
>>>>>>>>>When I entered the field of speech, so many suggestions both good and useless began to come. Some people said, "Speak low." Some others said, "Speak forcefully." Some others opined, "Speak with pauses." Some others suggested, "Speak eloquently." Then I learnt from my Spiritual Guide" Describe Din sincerely for the betterment of the Muslims and give benefits to the Muslims. Do not attach your personal interest to your speech." This thing appealed me. I could not act upon it fully however this suggestion was useful. Suggestion is a blessing and light. If it is from a practicable and well-wisher, it is the essence of centuries and a great blessing. The students should also develop the habit of Istikharah and consultation. However, they should strictly avoid excessive, out of place and useless suggestions. Now, you would have learnt how I listened to the speeches on Jihad. I received recording of that contest. I would have listened to them
completely if had time. Still I listened much and was consoled that
the coming generation would be very capable and genius.
>>>>>>>>>Our readers would also have developed fondness to listen to these speeches due to the present column. Let us sort out top ten important speeches and get a cassette or a memory card prepared. In this way, you will also be able to get beneficence from the knowledge and passion of these persuaders to Jihad. This idea struck me the very today. Now, this job will be entrusted to someone. You will be able like me to listen to these speeches of five to seven minutes filled with the passions of Belief sitting at your homes at your mobile or Cassette Player. So many mobiles will get pleased to tell you those speeches and will offer you thanks that you have put them to good use.
>>>>>>>>>لا الہ الا اللہ لا الہ الا اللہ لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ
>>>>>>>>>اللّٰھم صل علی سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرا
>>>>>>>>>لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ
>>>>>>>>>--- On Sun, 22/1/12, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>>>>>>>To: "AZEEM" <>, "ASIM" <>, "SUNMBUL" <>, "ATIF" <>, "YAADEIN" <>,,, "Asif Jafari" <>
>>>>>>>>>>Cc: "AKIF" <>,,,,
>>>>>>>>>>Date: Sunday, 22 January, 2012, 2:01 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>> أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
>>>>>>>>>>>>>--- On Wed, 29/6/11, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: SUPER POWER HAI ALLAH (SWT) ***LA'A ILAHA ILLAL'LAH***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: "Azeem Ul Hasan" <>, "Asim zafar" <>, "sunmbuli naqvi" <>, Bahi Haroon, "smatif jafari" <>, "Yaadein Group" <>, "Rubina Yasmeen" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cc:,,, "Zakir Hasan" <>, "Ilyas Khan" <>,,,, "Noor-ul Amin" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Date: Wednesday, 29 June, 2011, 1:07 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--- On Wed, 29/6/11, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: SUPER POWER HAI ALLAH (SWT) ***LA'A ILAHA ILLAL'LAH***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: "Azeem Ul Hasan" <>, "Asim zafar" <>, "sunmbuli naqvi" <>, Bahi Haroon, "smatif jafari" <>, "Yaadein Group" <>, "Rubina Yasmeen" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cc:,,, "Zakir Hasan" <>, "Ilyas Khan" <>,,,, "Noor-ul Amin" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Date: Wednesday, 29 June, 2011, 12:57 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--- On Sun, 26/6/11, smasif jafari <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: smasif jafari <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: SUPER POWER HAI ALLAH (SWT) ***LA'A ILAHA ILLAL'LAH***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: "Azeem Ul Hasan" <>, "Asim zafar" <>, "sunmbuli naqvi" <>, Bahi Haroon, "smatif jafari" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cc:,,, "Zakir Hasan" <>, "Ilyas Khan" <>,,,, "Noor-ul Amin" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Date: Sunday, 26 June, 2011, 11:24 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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