Tuesday 29 October 2013


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Date: Oct 25, 2013 6:03 PM
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From: jazamedia@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:29:34 -0400




Goodwill Ambassador for Pakistan-Canada Relations (PCR) of Good Governance Forum

            TORONTO:  Failures, mistakes, losses, wound and pain always have a lesson for us to learn and hold the key to right destination, triumph and success. One of the most important lessons is to think seriously, live responsibly and work properly, on common lines if working with others, for the right purpose, good reason and just cause.

            There are three types of people who view and serve the just cause in different ways:

1) Common people: Who think and try to be good and do something for a just cause.

2) Good people: Who think, live, work and die for a just cause and right reasons.

3) Best people: Who are fully committed to only think, live, work and die for God, people, just cause, right purpose and good reason. They are blessed with best divine guidance, support and protection.

The messengers, prophets, saints and pious persons are best ideals and examples. Prophet Ismail (AS) offered himself for sacrifice and Imam Hussain (RA), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), gave sacrifice to please God. Both of them acted willingly and happily. They have laid the best examples for people who knowingly, willingly, happily and smilingly want to think, live, work and die for God, just cause and people. 

This also defines and explains the philosophy of supreme martyrdom (Shahadat) of Imam Hussain (RA) and all martyrs (Shuhada). They all sacrificed themselves just to please God and fulfil their promises and commitments.

            Best people are precious gems, very few and hard to find. They are liked and loved by God and emerge and act only on commands of God to help and support the people. God explains as follows as to who the best people are:

            Surah Al-Asr # 103 (Verse 1-3): By (the Token of) time (through the Ages), (1) Verily Man is in loss, (2) Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (3)

            Surah Al-E-Imran # 3 (Verse 200): O ye who believe! persevere in patience and constancy: vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah; that ye may prosper.   

            Surah Al-Anbiya # 21(Verse 85): And (remember) Ismail, Idris and Dhu al Kifl, all (men) of constancy and patience.

            Surah Al-Mumenoon # 23 (Verse 111): "I have rewarded them this day for their patience and constancy: they are indeed the ones that have achieved Bliss..."

            Surah Al-Balad # 90 (Verse 17): Then will he be of those who believe, and enjoin patience, (constancy, and self-restraint), and enjoin deeds of kindness and compassion.

            Surah Fussilat # 41 (Verse 35): And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint none but persons of the greatest good fortune.

            Surah Al-Insan # 76 (Verse 24): Therefore be patient with constancy to the Command of thy Lord, and hearken not to the sinner or the ingrate among them.

            All these divine messages tell us about who the good and best people are and the reasons for our failures, sufferings and destruction.

For real success, prosperity, peace and stability we need good leadership and for all these we need true leaders. This is why we must always keep searching for good nature and character people. Then only we can find the good and best people. We must always only encourage, support, promote and vote for the right people, right reason and just cause.

In order to please God and serve humanity in reality, we must always try to live, work and dies for the just cause and humanity and for this unite with all like-minded people.

To prepare and face the toughest challenges and enemies and emerge victorious and successful, we need to have and show great patience and tolerance, faith in God and remain steadfast, determined and committed.   

In most of my articles, I add my profile in the end. Many people have objected and taunted me but they don't understand my reason for using it. There are two important reasons for it. Firstly, it helps me remind and realize about my duties and responsibilities, then analyse about what I have done or what I should have done or what I should be doing now or in future.

Secondly, the positions, designations and capacities mentioned in the profile and as a result the contributions and  achievements made makes me and the community feel really proud and gives me the energy, strength and the power to do more and better. It also inspires and motivates others to think and work on the common line.

Thirdly, we keep making new friends from different communities and countries and adding them to the email or other lists. They need our introduction to know who we are and what are our contributions, achievements, aims and objectives. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat.

Although I am a sinner, imperfect person and Muslim, have faults and commit many mistakes, still I seek forgiveness and try to get inspiration and good impression from all good messages, things and people. This helps me a lot

For forgiveness and mercy so that I may not be included among cruel and losers, I always try to remember, understand and recite the following four things:

1)      Surah Al-Fatiha # 1 (Verse 1-7): Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, (2) The

Beneficent, the Merciful. (3) Owner of the Day of Judgment, (4) Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. (5) Show us the straight path, (6) The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (7) 

2)      Surah Al-Anbiya # 21 (Verse 87): And (mention) Dhu'n-Nun, when he went off in

anger and deemed that We had no power over him, but he cried out in the darkness, saying: There is no God save Thee. Be Thou glorified! Lo! I have been a wrong-doer. (87).

3)      Surah Al-Mumenoon # 23 (Verse 118): And (O Muhammad) say: My Lord!

Forgive and have mercy, for Thou art Best of all who show mercy. (118)

4)      Surah Al-Araf # 7 (Verse 23): They said: Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves.

If thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surely we are of the lost! (23)

IQRAR-UL-HASSAN SYED: I am greatly impressed by Iqrar-ul-Hassan Syed, host and anchor person of ARY News.  Indeed, he is a brave person and daring man and I keep praying for his long life and protection. His programme "Sar-e-Aam" on various topics has exposed many serious crimes and the dirty faces of crooks, criminals and corrupt officials. He inspires me to live, work and serve people boldly humanity in reality.

There are many others busy working and serving in similar ways and we must always encourage and support them in every ways. The daring ones deserve and need full backing, support and protection. They are the ones who are risking their lives to bring a REAL CHANGE.

For Good Governance and practical changes we need a team of such people. Yes, we need such team leaders. Let's support and promote all such people and if possible join them to make them very powerful and stronger.

GGF: I recently joined the Good Governance Forum of Pakistan as Goodwill Ambassador for Pakistan-Canada (PCR) with the same intention and purpose. My motto is `Serve Humanity In Reality'. The GGF impressed me because they are trying to bring practical and positive changes in Pakistan. They are thinking and working on common lines.

In Canada, through Pak Seniors Forum (PSF) and all other positions and platforms of important organizations including NEPMCC, I keep trying my best to serve the community and humanity and keep requesting, appealing and thanking people for the encouragement, help and support. I keep thanking The Almighty for the blessings and guidance.

In conclusion, I request and appeal to all people, particularly Overseas Pakistanis, to come forward, unite, live, think and work together and struggle for the common just cause and to Serve Humanity In Reality. It will help one and all in solving problems and issues of the people, community, society, system, country and the world. For this proper awareness, understanding and practical action is needed. Only this way we can promote love, bring people together, unite them and turn with determination dreams into realities. Our aim is to end corruption from root-level and bring and ensure Good Governance. 

JZ'S PROFILE: Javed Zaheer, Free Expression Award Winner, Desi Idol Recognition Award Winner, Goodwill Ambassador for Pakistan-Canada Relations (PCR) of Good Governance Forum (GGF), Pakistan, Member/Honorary Director of NEPMCC, Veteran Active Member (VAM) of Toronto Press Club, Ex-Member of The National Club and The Ontario Club, Honorary Editor of English Weekly `Pakistan Abroad', Canada, ex-Chief Editor (Honorary) of English Weekly `The Ambassador', Canada, ex-Chief Editor (Honorary) of English Weekly `DAWN', Canada, ex-Senior Sub-Editor of English Daily DAWN, Pakistan, Chairman, CANOPI, Director of Children Dignity Foundation (CDF---Canada & Pakistan), Honorary Director Information of Pak Seniors Forum (PSF), Canada, and Director, Canpak, Chamber of Commerce, Canada, is contributing purely on Voluntary and Honorary Basis in order to serve all people and communities. Contact: (416)696-0981/jazamedia@hotmail.com, jazamedia@mail.com. To read more JZ's exclusive articles, please visit: www. nepmcc.ca and nationalethnicpress.com (Editorial Sections. Scan years from 2004 to 2011. Visit www.javedzaheernews.blogspot.com and www.jazamedia.wordpress.com.    

پاکستان کسی بھی پاکستانی کے لئے اللہ کی سب سے بڑی نعمتوں میں سے ایک ہے. آج ہم جو بھی ہے یہ سب اس وجہ پاکستان کی ہے ، دوسری صورت میں ، ہم کچھ بھی نہیں ہوتا. براہ مہربانی پاکستان کے لئے مخلص ہو.
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Muhammad Shoaib Tanoli
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