Wednesday 30 October 2013

Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Lecture 042 : Global ISLAMIC CALENDAR

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AsSalaam O Alaikum (Peace be always with you. AMEEN.)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


by Irshad Mahmood - Global Auliyaa (PRESIDENT), Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Dawah Centre

That (Sun and Moon) is the measure of the mighty (Al_Quraan_036.037)

They ask thee, (O Muhammad), of NEW MOON. Say: They are fixed seasons for the whole mankind and for the pilgrimage… (Al_Quraan_002.189)

(Every Month must start with the NEW Crescent MOON Globally NOT Locally)

Years, Months and Days are GLOBAL while Salaat Time is Local

The day JUMA is GLOABL while its prayers time is Local

Very First Lailatul Qadr was according to Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة) Calendar

Lailatul Qadar - Two Nights or One Night and Which Night

Remember: Fasting on the Eid Day is Forbidden. Be Positive and don't do the Great Mistake that I am Right or My Group is Right. After all, I am human being and I may be wrong.

Also the 9th Dhil Hajj is the Global Day of Arafah

Do not fast unless you (UMMAH Globally) sight the crescent, and do not break your fast till you (UMMAH Globally) sight the (following) crescent." (Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3:130).

Great Thanks to FiqhCouncil of North America on Uniting Muslims on a Very BIG Controversial Issue on Moon Sighting:

From Ramadan 1427 - First of Fasting September 23, 2006, The Fiqh Council of North America after careful research, deliberations and discussion has adopted a new position regarding the determination of the beginning of the Islamic lunar months. The Fiqh Council is not going with the birth of the new Moon only; it is rather going with the possibility of its sighting somewhere within the Western Hemisphere.

Brief Explanation:

A.   Discussion of a number of research papers led to the conclusion that the use of calculation both in negation as well as affirmation of the beginning of the new Islamic Lunar months has a firm basis in the Qur'an and Sunnah as well as in the opinion of some classical and contemporary jurists.

B.    The new moon (i.e. time of conjunction) is when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun closest to the Sun-Earth line. This time of conjunction is precisely predictable by astronomical calculation.

C.   The conjunction before 12:00 GMT would give enough time to the new moon to be visible somewhere on the globe before the end of the night in North America.


A pre-calculated Global Islamic Calendar could be the same as Fiqh Council calendar on left. If the moon is born before 12:00 UT [Local time at International Date Line (IDL) would be 23:59 or less on the previous day], then the month begins at sunset of that day everywhere in the world. IDL has been accepted as the beginning of every day of the week. All Muslims pray Friday prayers on the day starting at IDL. Islamic Calendar should also follow the same convention of the day.

This moon will be about 18+ hours old at a point just East of IDL at local sunset. This convention has a basis of visibility at a point just East of IDL, and is born before the day begins at just West of International Date Line. If the moon is born after 12:00 UT, then the month begins on the next day's sunset everywhere.

According to U.S. Naval Observatory:

The record for an Early Sighting of a Lunar Crescent, with a Telescope, is 12.1 hours after New Moon; for Naked-Eye sightings, the record is 15.5 hours from New Moon.

Calculations need corrections once the correct information of the moon sightings is found any where in the world:

The Width of the Moon will always increase before a full moon at a fixed Ratio and will decrease after a full moon at the same ratio at every second in an Analog way. Its increment and decrement is ANALOG.

If someone sees the Crescent Moon in the east, but no one sees it in the west that could be due to Global Warming, or Global Dimming or other unknown factors. We should not blame the Moon on this issue; instead we should blame ourselves for polluting the environment, which is the main cause for all these issues. Since the whole world got polluted, so another option could be to go higher above all the pollutions on an airplane on the specified days and watch the New Crescent Moon or use one of the cameras on the Satellite for this purpose, record it and put it on the websight.

Not only Global Warming BUT Global Dimming and other unknown factors may be causing difficulty to see the Crescent Moon. Global Dimming was discovered just after 11-SEP-2001, when all the US flights were grounded for three days:

DR DAVID TRAVIS: We found that the change in temperature range during those three days was just over one degrees C. And you have to realize that from a layman's perspective that doesn't sound like much, but from a climate perspective that is huge. 

We should not neglect the Eye Witness of those who don't have voices, phones, or other media to communicate with the rest of the world. Remember! On the day of Eid, Fasting is Haraam.

Since Global Dimming is causing Sun Rays, how come it is not affecting the visibility of New Crescent Moon?

In Karachi, Pakistan, it is always difficult to see moon, while in the remote areas of NWFP, Pakistan, specially high on the mountains, it is easy to see the moon sighting. The reason showed by Chairman SUPARCO at a Science Conference in Islamabad, Pakistan. The photograph taken by Satellite at the same time for Karachi and remote area of NWFP, were very helpful to understand. In the photograph of Karachi City the big buildings were not clear due to industrial and traffic and other environmental pollutions, while the photograph of remote area of NWFP was very clear and we were able to see, even a baby goat on that photograph. Naturally in these situations we mostly have confirmed moon sightings from the remote areas.

Things to do for the Unity on Moon Sighting Issue:

It is not one man's work to unite the Ummah; each one of us need to help each other spread information about the New Crescent Moon Sighting Locally as well as Globally, if any one sees it. Someone can become a bridge to inform the rest. There are many Muslims working on the Moon Sighting issue, at least you can inform them. Be an honorable member of the Ummah on this issue and Allah will give you a very good reward, Inshaa Allah. Since the whole world got polluted, so another option could be to go higher above all the pollutions on an airplane on the specified days and watch the New Crescent Moon or use one of the cameras on the Satellite for this purpose, record it and put it on the websight. Not a single Muslim would like to miss any single day of fasting and Not a single Muslim would like to fast on the day of Eid. Below is the information to whom you can inform about moon sightings:

We must not forget our Islamic Months and we must teach our Kids to remember the Islamic Months:

Islamic Calendar starts from the first day of Hijra (Migration), when Rasool Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) Migrated from Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة) to Medina permanently for the establishment of an Islamic State.

Below is the list of Islamic Months in order.

1>      Muharram                               Islamic New Year on 1st of Muharram. Ashura on 10th of Muharram.

2>      Safar

3>      Rabiiul-Awwal                       Birth of Rasool Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) on 12th of Rabiiul-Awwal.

4>      Rabiiul-Thani

5>      Jumadal-Awwal

6>      Jumadal-Thani

7>      Rajab                                       Israa and Meraj - The Night Journey of Rasool Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) on 27th Rajab.

8>      Shaabaan

9>      Ramadaan                             The Month of Fasting.

                                                             Lailar-ul-Qadr. Any odd number night between 21st and 29th of Ramadan.

10>    Shawwaal                               Eid-ul-Fitr. The Feast after Fast on 1st of Shawwal.

11>    Zul-Qaidah

12>    Zul-Hijjah                                 Waqfatu Arafat - The Day of Arafat on 9th Zul-Hijjah.

                                                              Eid-ul-Adha - The Feast of Sacrifice on 10th Zul-Hijjah.

Celebration of Eid and Starting of Ramadaan became BIG Joke in the Muslim Ummaah, who are widely divided and celebrating their Eid, or starting their Fasting on 3 to 4 different days in the whole world. Don't forget that Sun is one, Earth is one and its Moon is one. Thanks to Allah, it is not for Friday, otherwise it could be real mess.

This is a Critical Issue. We need to remember on the Day of Eid, Fasting is prohibited (Haraam). So we need to understand it with the Love for Allah and with broad mind.

Also the Day of Arafa 9th Dhil Hajj, at the time of Hajj is to unite the Muslim Ummaah, for only one thing for the Love for Allah alone on one Global Day of HAJJ, i.e. 9th Dhill-Hajj Globally.

We may never Unite Muslim Ummaah, if we celebrate Eid / Ramadaan etc. on different days and also having different Worshipping Methods.

We have seen, I am right, you are right, we all are right. BUT it didn't worked and Ummaah is being butchered for centuries. The Basic Human Mistake is I am right (100% correct). If he is right, it is very good, BUT if he is wrong then it is WORST and he will never ever correct himself and might go to hell forever.

One must keep in his mind that he could be wrong at some point and so he always needs to keep getting good knowledge.

We must trust each other. If a True Muslim, medically OK to see the moon says that he saw the moon, we must have to believe on him and Celebrate our Eid or Start Fasting on Ramadaan Globally.

Let Us see what Allah says in the Quraan about the Sun and the Moon:

They ask you about the phases of the moon! Say, "They provide a timing device for the people, and determine the time of Hajj (Globally on 9th Dhill-Hajj)." It is not righteous to beat around the bush; righteousness is attained by upholding the commandments and by being straightforward. You shall observe GOD, that you may succeed.(Al_Quraan_002:189)

(Remember:    The day of Hajj is 9th Dhil-Hajj, which is the same all around the Globe)

He causes the dawn to break; and He has made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for reckoning (to serve as calculating devices); this is an arrangement of the Mighty, the Knowing. (Al_Quraan_006:096)

(Remember:    Here Allah is emphasizing that we may calculate the months and years on a Global basis.)

He is the One who made the sun radiant (brightness), and the moon a light, and He designed its phases that you may learn to count the years and to calculate. GOD did not create all this, except for a specific purpose. He explains the revelations for people who know. (Al_Quraan_010:005)

(Remember:    Here again Allah is emphasizing that we may calculate the months and years on a Global basis.)

And We have made the night and the day two signs, then We have made the sign of the night to pass away and We have made the sign of the day manifest, so that you may seek grace from your Lord, and that you might know the numbering of years and the reckoning (This also establishes for you a timing system, and the means of calculation); and We have explained everything with distinctness. (Al_Quraan_017:012)

(Remember:    Here again Allah is emphasizing that we may calculate the months and years on a Global basis.)

And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw there from the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness; And the sun runs his course for a perfect period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk. It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).(Al_Quraan_036:037-040)

(Remember:    Here Allah is emphasizing that the Sun and the Moon are perfectly traveling in their perfect orbits for perfect period with perfect measure, so it can be calculated at present time with the help of Computers and Astronomy and we can build a Hundred Year Calendar)

The sun and the moon are perfectly calculated. (Al_Quraan_055:005)

(Remember:    Again, Allah is telling us that the Sun and the Moon are perfectly calculated, so at present time with the help of Computers and Astronomy and we can build a Hundred Year Calendar)

And an announcement (Globally) from Allah and His Messenger to the people (Globally) on the day of the greater pilgrimage (Day of Arafa, 9th Dhil Hajj, Globally) that Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters; therefore if you repent, it will be better for you, and if you turn back, then know that you will not weaken Allah; and announce painful punishment to those who disbelieve. (Al_Quraan_009.003)

Can we have Hundred Year Global Islamic Calendar?

According to Quraan, Surat Al_Yasin, Ayat 37 – 40 and with the help of Astronomy and space and computer it is really possible to prove it. Perhaps not before Year 1995.

1>               Orbit, Speed and velocity of Sun are fixed.

2>               Orbit, Speed and velocity of Moon are also fixed.

3>               Only variable things are Clouds, Industrial smokes that include traffic smokes.

The Width of Moon will always increase before a full moon at a fixed Ratio and will decrease after a full moon at the same ratio at every second in an Analog way. Its increment anddecrement is ANALOG.

We don't include clouds and other smokes for moon sighting.

The very first Lailatul Qadr was according to Arabic (Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة)) Calendar and it was for the whole world at the same time. Not according to Pakistan or India or Australia or USA (California) time, on different day.

Beauty of very First Lailatul Qadr, which was from the time of Maghrib till the time of Fajir according to the time of Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة). It started at the time of Magrib inMakkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة), while it was the time of Fajir in the Far East, in Australia. So it covered all the east by sharing the same night. Similarly when it was the time of Fajir inMakkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة), It was the time of Magrib in the Far West, USA. So it covered all the west by sharing the same night.

At present time with the help of Modern Science, which includes Astronomy, space science and computers, it is really possible to have HUNDRED YEAR Islamic Calendar.

Announcement for Moon sighting:

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) used to send Sahabaas on the fastest running horses to do announcements about Moon Sightings in all the directions in such a way that one should go for around 2 hours and then next person should take place till the time of Fajir. Now a days we can do announcements on the Media (Web, TV, Radio etc) and we can celebrate Eid and Ramadan globally.

Months (Ramadan etc) are GLOBAL while Every Day Salaat Times are LOCAL.

Even the day of Jumaa is Global. We have same day for Jumaa but according to Local Time.

My suggestion for the Unity of Muslim Ummah:

Since the sun and the moon are the measure according to Quraan, therefore for the unity of Muslim Ummah, my suggestion will be to accept Kabah (Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة)) as a center point for calculations. If the moon is born before the start of Duhr Prayer at Kabah (Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة)), then the month begins at sunset of that day everywhere in the world. This requires only the calculation of new moon birth, which is well known.

Human Error:

Keep in mind that there could be human error. Below is an example.

When US says there will be Lunar Eclipse or Solar Eclipse on such and such days, even after 10 or 20 years and that really happens as well and we accept them, BUT why not for Moon Sightings???

Let us see what US Latest Research says about Moon and Moon Sightings:

According to U.S. Naval Observatory

The record for an early sighting of a lunar crescent, with a telescope, is 12.1 hours after New Moon; for naked-eye sightings, the record is 15.5 hours from New Moon.

In Karachi, Pakistan, it is always difficult to see moon, while in the remote areas of NWFP, Pakistan, specially high on the mountains, it is easy to see the moon sighting. The reason showed by Chairman SUPARCO at a Science Conference in Islamabad, Pakistan. The photograph taken by Satellite at the same time for Karachi and remote area of NWFP, were very helpful to understand. In the photograph of Karachi City the big buildings were not clear due to industrial and traffic and other environmental pollutions, while the photograph of remote area of NWFP was very clear and we were able to see, even a baby goat on that photograph. Naturally in this situations we mostly have confirmed moon sightings from the remote areas.

Islamic and Moon Sighting web Addresses:

Phone# for Islamic Information Center :     416 – 536 – 8433

Phone# for Reflections on Islam :                416 – 260 – 7544

Phone# for Call of the Minaret :                   416 – 596 – 6584

Happy Eid

Muslims in Qatar, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and other countries will observe Eid ul Fitr on Saturday November 13th, 2004.  In conformity with the opinion of Wehdat al Matalee (one sighting for the whole world), IANA is pleased to declare Saturday Nov. 13th, 2004, corresponding to  (1425AH)  Eid-ul-Fit'r .  We wish you all a very blessed Eid.

Remember:  Listening the Khutba (Speech) after Prayer is also Necessary

Don't forget to take your family with you for prayers. Also Enjoy with your family on this special occasion.

The New Moon\The_New_Moon.html

1. Muslims generally, all over the world, follow the Gregorian calendar. So they come to bother about sighting the new moon only at the onset of the month of Ramadhaan, or for determining the Eidain days.

2. But here, as in many many other matters, the Muslim Ummah has fallen into unseemly controversies, rendering the Islamic calendar an object of mockery! That too when the Creator has graced them with the Quraan, the divine Book of Guidance divinely guaranteed against all pollution, adulteration and corruption!! But, as our beloved Prophet (may peace and Allah's blessings be upon him) would cry out in the Hereafter, "O my Lord! My Ummah had indeed abandoned this Quraan as a thing of no importance!!!" (Refer Q: 25.30)

3. Yes! We, the Prophet's Ummah, do sometimes refer to the divine Book for answers to problems facing us. But we do so half-heartedly! We are not absolutely sure that we would find the answers there!

4. In one such half-hearted attempt at finding the answer to the problem under discussion in this article, we discover the Quraanic verse 2.185. "Month of Ramadhaan! That month in which was sent down the Quraan as Guidance for Mankind and with clear evidences for the guidance and for the distinction made between right and wrong! Whoever then amongst you witnesses the month, he/she should fast therein! ....", so runs the beginning part of the said verse. And in our not-too-sincere an effort at finding the guidance as promised therein, we grab at the phrase 'witnesses the month', as a drowning man would catch at a straw!

5. And we say, "Eureka!" We interpret the phrase, 'witnesses the month' to mean 'witnesses the new moon heralding the month'. We forget that by thus interpolating our own imperfect words, we are casting doubts (nauzubillah) that the Quraan contains the perfect words of the Perfect Author!

6. And we thus conclude that for terminating any lunar month, at any particular place 'A', at 29 days, factual witnessing of the new moon, at that particular place 'A' itself, is necessary. We thus have the phenomenon of our Eidain being observed not only on more than two different days in different parts of the world, but also on different days at the same place! And, we remain blissfully unaware that calendars based on such a principle would be unfit and inadequate for international transactions and dealings.

7. Aren't we aware that the interpretation we have given to verse 2.185 is rather a stretched one? We indeed are! But then we had to find some Quraanic support for a Hadeeth we're accustomed to believe in, more passionately.

8. English translation of one version of the Hadeeth in question goes as follows: "The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: 'If you sight it (the new moon of Ramadaan), then fast and if you sight it (the new moon of Shawaal), then end the fast. And if it is obscured from you, then complete thirty days (of Sha'baan)'". There may be different versions of the Hadeeth in different books of ahaadheeth, but the point to be noted in all the versions is that the Prophet had laid emphasis on the sighting of the new moon for ending the month (either Shaabaan or Ramadhaan) on 29th day.

9. Anything in the ahaadheeth, as reportedly said by the Prophet, is absolutely sacrosanct for us. So we twist the meaning of verse 2.185 to bring it in tune with the Hadeeth quoted above. Never mind the fact that the Hadeeth got recorded in writing centuries after the death of the Prophet. We give scant thought to the prospect that the Hadeeth could have been contaminated with the personal words of, not one, but a chain of narrators, in the centuries-long meantime!

10. But had we been a little more sincere in our belief that the Quraan is the perfect Book from the Perfect Creator, we would not have been disappointed for long. Just 3 verses away from verse 2.185 is verse 2.189. It reads, "They ask you about the new moons. Say, 'These are fixed points of Time for Mankind and for the Pilgrimage.' ..." Let us now sincerely and deeply ponder over this divine statement.

11. Verse 2.189 specifically mentions the new moon. It is obviously therefore more relevant to the issue in hand than verse 2.185. And yet we have ignored verse 2.189. Reasons? We don't know; and even if we know, we don't wish to give expression to those reasons.

12. It is also interesting to note that the new moons are spoken of as points in time - points to demarcate fixed periods of time - for the entire Mankind. The periods of time so determined should be so as to be applicable to all the nations on earth. Our Wise Lord therefore did purposely not put the condition of sighting the new moon for the determination of those points in time. The Creator of all things in the Universe knew that the new moon is a celestial phenomenon that occurs when the moon just slips off the straight line, in between the earth and the Sun. HE knew that this phenomenon occurs exactly at a predetermined point in time. And He knew that in course of time He would be pleased to impart this knowledge to Mankind.

13. But this knowledge was not given to the people among whom the Prophet lived. He (the Prophet) had no alternative then but to tell his people to sight the new moon to determine whether any particular lunar month would end on its 29th day!

14. But we, whom Allah has given the knowledge, fail to understand this apparent dichotomy between what the Prophet reportedly said and what Allah, through the Quraan, says. We fail to understand that the Hadeeth was time-specific, while the Quraan was meant to cover all times till the Last Day. We fail to understand that the Muslim community during the time of the Prophet had not spread to all parts around the earth as it is spread today.

15. We do accept the sunset and sunrise timings at a given place without actually sighting the sun set or rise. Even for the purposes of our prayers! Likewise we should have no reservations in our minds on accepting the scientifically determined new moon timings. Based on these fixed timings, a common Islamic lunar calendar for international use can be drawn up by Muslims of all nations sitting together in a conference.

16. Th All-knowing Allah has left enough scope for such a conference to use its dicretion to work out the detailed procedure for arriving at the common calendar after proper and meticulous studies. The conference could consider adapting the methodology adopted for the Gregorian calendar to the special needs of a lunar calendar. The Quraan would require the conference only to base their deliberations, taking the fixed new moon timings as the reference points.

May Allah UNITE all Muslims. AMEEN.

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